With all the issues many have had with 7.0 and 7.0.1 I think that there are a lot of people out there
that could not get to see the app run smoothly and have gone over their 60 days.
Hi Fred,
Just out of curiosity, on what do you base that thought?
I too had 'crashes', but I also had the previous version, so work could continue. I also saw that the demosaicing quality had improved enough to decide and still upgrade, despite the initial spontaneous closings of the program. It always happened when I clicked on something (GPU display accelleration issue?).
Then a few days later, even before I opened a formal support case, out of the blue I got an email from PhaseOne's Lionel Kuhlmann who had picked up the first automatic crashreport, and he gave me a list of things I could try while they were looking into the issue. I disabled the Hardware acceleration for the display which I already suspected to play a role, set it from Automatic to Never in Preferences, and I think I only experienced a single crash since. After the release of Version 7.01, I tried setting the Hardware acceleration back to Automatic, and all was well, for me.
There are of course numerous hardware / OS combinations, so it's impossible for me (and you) to draw any general conclusions other than suspecting that the hardware acceleration may have played a major role, not the only but a major one, in the reported stability issues. I have no idea whether those affected had up-to-date drivers, and adequate hardware (incl. motherboard/memory firmware and drivers), and tried disabling the hardware acceleration in the Capture One preferences.
The initial release Version 7.00 was introduced around October 25th, 2012. A month later NVIDIA updated the drivers for my Graphics card in November. Then around December 11th, within 60 days of first release, Version 7.01 was announced. That release apparently improved stability for a number of people who still had issues or had the hardware acceleration disabled, like me, but presumably not for everybody. NVIDIA released another driver update in the mean time, which may have cured other related issues. Don't know what other Graphic card vendors did in the mean time. Those who still had unsolvable issues (assuming they tried the suggested temporary workaround), may then have been helped by the latest Version 7.02 release.
These people, you say a lot, I wouldn't know how you got that info, may have exceeded their initial 60 day trial period if they were amongst the early bird installers of the new release 7.00.
They really should release these updates with at least an extension.
I agree that it is a pitty that it took this long (assuming it is solved now) and I am a bit surprised that it happened apparently (from reputable sources) at such a scale, but I also do not know whether the involved people did open a support case which might have led to someone at PhaseOne granting a temporary solution, e.g. a temporary activation that can be utilized for a limited period of time, just to see if the stability issue is solved.
I do not consider the support for a new type of Color Filter Array, or another new feature, the same as a stability issue though. It may take some time to improve the demosaicing quality, but that cannot be seen as a show stopper (since the camera presumably came with a working solution), but rather an inconvenience that will most likely be solved over time.