Some thoughts after a week or so with workflow alterations/(perhaps interruptions?)....
After settling the issues with C1 Catalog and sessions and spending more time with Capture Onev7 I came to realize.......
I will not use only ONE single developer for editing RAW, I will be using TWO, maybe more as I am open to new concepts and not much a conformist to "It's my way or the highway" thinking.
So I want to use LightRoom, and I want to use C1(with the new raw developing engine)
I CERTAINLY DON'T want more than ONE Cataloging software to make and use up all my harddrive space and simply make a mess of folders on my hard drives).
Since LighRoom makes it rather easy and I can see the folders without going dizzy, I decided to use C1v7 in Sessions mode, and continue and KEPP my LR Cataloging. I can see the LR windows as I do in a Explorer Browser, and this familiarity is nice and painless.
So even in Sessions for C1, we still have a messy interface.
I have TWO "Session Folders". One is the actual folder view that I want to use, BUT, above it, I can't find a way to "hide" or not show the other "Session Folders" bar that contains the Capture,Output, Trash, and Selects folder
(Could I rename these? I thought I had changed my Capture folder to RAW? I wonder what happen?).
I like rating my images to help know which is processed, but I would rather hide Session Albums and even Favorites if I'm not using them. Since I have Filters below in this folder panel, It looks confusing with the actual "Session Folder" (Browser)?
I can see how they are different to a point. But in a folder view, they are merely a Sort and View method, and you can Filter these, maybe even grouping them with specific parameters would also help.
So to simplify, place the "Session Folder" that contains "Capture, Selects, Output, and Trash FOLDERS" in a subfolder of the ONE browsable/folder "Session Folder" I think would help. And all these in Filters. Ending up with Session Folder, and I guess Filters(You can give it a more general term, like Manage?)
I fully can understand if there are reasons not do this, but it is simply a suggestion. I for one will not dictate my shooting workflow based on software's dictation. I will pay attention to my subject with camera and tethered or not, Fire away and then organize my files.
Other than setting up the Capture folder, which should be as simple as black coffee, all else slows down the artistic process.
Well, I will learn to ignore all these things that are added on, as I think the Raw developer is very good or the best.
I simply wish Phase One would make a Capture One Pro-Lite. My wish would be to have very similar simplicity to C1v3.7x
With the new Raw engine, and the Exposer/Developing sliders. I could care less for Session, Catalog, even many other features. I think being able to add Metadata, Keywords and ratings is a plus, but I think that can start in the ingestion of the files when transfering from the card, or when using a dedicated DAM, or a fast image browser. It isn't something you do to hundreds of files in a Developer.
For me CaptureOne's job is to enable me to...
Capture as fast as possible(preview focus image on screen when shooting), and make the BEST base 16+bit file I can work from in other apps like LR, or Photoshop, That is enough to be a happy camper.
That is all I ask, and that is why I would pay the same money I have been paying for years, but to keep it nimble, simple, easy to use, and top quality.
I know many use the BW, and the layer brush, and maybe some filters. But aside from the ALL the Color and ALL the Exposure tools and Focus tool, I don't need much else. I think the Layer brush is a nice try, but in all honesty, I will make the best develop in C1 and do all else in Photoshop or LR.(Or I may have to look closer and see IF C1 brush layers is offering anything different and advantageous(?).
*Side note__ While writing this and confusing myself with some C1 terms, excuse me if I used "browser" in place of "folder". I checked back to correct it, but in case I missed one!
Sometimes the way C1 names its functions and views!..The names alone can confuse enough! Why would the term "browser" that is already coined as "folder browsing" to an OS and is synonimos to Explorer be reused for something that should be named "thumbnail view" or the like? Why do we have to relearn functions to terms that have been in place for decades? Giving things a visual identity would even help distinguish functions. Besides, its the fastest way the mind processes info.(well, those that are visually strong, like photographers. Who is this made for ? ;-)