In a situation like that I'd use lens tissue rather than micro fibre cloths, which would rapidly get loaded with salts(as well as dirt, dust, etc.). A good lens cleaning fluid is also advisable to dilute the salt spray or loosen it if already dried. Most techs I know use Anhydrous Isopropyl alcohol for most photo glass cleaning, though some have started using ammonia for particularly stubborn deposits. Try to not dry rub, and blow it off first if already dry. Eclipse is expensive overkill for lenses. Any good lens fluid will do.
Use of clothing, kleenex, etc. is not recommended. And if you must use a microfiber cloth, toss it in the washer frequently as those thing get gunked up fairly quickly. Use optics specific cloths, except those marketed for eyeglasses as they are usually infused with cleaning solutions.
While on the subject of camera maintenance, no Q-tips in the mirror box please, unless you know what you are doing. Have seen more and more equipment come in with fuzz all over the place. Nikons are especially prone, as they use a flocked material on the mirror box side walls. Makes sensor cleaning(and having it stay clean) a real PIA.