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Author Topic: C1 6.4  (Read 18305 times)


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C1 6.4
« on: April 24, 2012, 07:59:20 am »

Was seemingly just released and is said to support the D800/D800E/5DmkIII.

I am now downloading it.

This sounds like a great move from Phaseone, I was afraid I'd have to upgrade to 7 to get this support.


Doug Peterson

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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2012, 09:04:40 am »

Was seemingly just released and is said to support the D800/D800E/5DmkIII.

I am now downloading it.

This sounds like a great move from Phaseone, I was afraid I'd have to upgrade to 7 to get this support.

Guess this was not the best place to give you the good news eh?


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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2012, 09:09:48 am »

Guess this was not the best place to give you the good news eh?

Thanks Doug, this is really great!


Doug Peterson

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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2012, 02:25:55 pm »

Full details of the Capture One 6.4 Bug in 10.5.8.

Summary: there is a bug when running the new 6.4 in the old OSX 10.5.8. When you click "window" the software crashes. We've been suggesting users get off 10.5 for many months. LR4, CS5, and many other major new apps don't even support 10.5.8 at all, and the ones that are still trying to maintain compatibility often do so imperfectly with new releases. Of course some users are "stuck" because of some legacy hardware or software and cannot update; so for those users: DONT update to 6.4.

I expect that this will be fixed in the next update to C1, but that does not change my overall advise.

You can be informed in a timely manner of future similar issues as well as when this issue is resolved by subscribing to the Digital Transitions Blog RSS Feed. This RSS feed has not been extensively used in the past, but I'm maintaining it from here out and promise to keep it up to date with such issues pertinent to Phase, Mamiya, Leaf users and anyone who uses Capture One.


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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2012, 05:21:11 pm »

No issues on 10.6.8.

I really like what I see on those D800 files!



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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2012, 11:33:52 am »

Good morning Doug,

In reviewing the RSS feed received on this I see they recommend a clean install necessitating first an UNINSTALL.  Maybe the RSS answered this but need to ask to be sure--will this UNINSTALL and CLEAN INSTALL  eliminate all of my work in progress on RAW files?  After making tiffs of what I believe to be my "final versions" I maintain my worked on RAW files in the last processed state in case I decide to go back and make changes in RAW rather than working on the tiff, where possible, feeling it better to change in RAW than the Tiff. Do I lose all of this with a clean install and if so, is there a way around it and still have the benefits of the clean install?


Doug Peterson

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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2012, 01:39:54 pm »

Removing Application Preferences and Application Support files does not effect adjustments to raw files.

Capture One keeps the adjustments to a raw file in a sidecar in the same folder as the raws themselves.

Just got your email about the same, sorry; been out on a service call.

Keith Reeder

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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2012, 05:44:48 pm »


you might wish to note that Phase One has always recommended the uninstall/reinstall route, but many users (including me) have never done this - without any ill-effect, as comments on the Phase One will attest to.

It's just Phase One being cautious.
Keith Reeder
Blyth, NE England


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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2012, 09:21:37 pm »

Yes and I realize that and of course have not been doing it--however, I'm having issues with some of my files not being recognized by C1--for instance I have an out put folder with about 12 recently processed tiffs and C1 recognizes the folder but none of the images.  I'm looking for causes and though a uninstall and reinstall might help--if not I'm at a loss to explain why C1 isn't reading certain files :(

Jack Varney

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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2012, 11:49:34 pm »

I have been upgrading Capture One Pro for over five years (from 3.x) without uninstalling the previous version and have never had an issue. I run C1 on Windows beginning with XL and now Vista 64.

The issue may be an Apple thing.
Jack Varney


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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2012, 01:09:56 am »

Any ideas anyone has as to why C1 wont recognize some files would be appreciated.  I can go to the same file with cs5, bridge or LR3 and can read without a problem--ideas anyone????


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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2012, 02:20:42 am »

Don't see how it would be an Apple thing.  There is one file with 12 tiffs in it--C1 sees the file but not the Tiffs.  It sees the images in files above and below it.  LR, Bridge, PS  all see the tiffs in the file.  It's pretty clearly a C1 thing--but what why?

Doug Peterson

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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2012, 09:24:37 am »

Capture One has the following restrictions on reading TIFFs:
- must be RGB (no CYMK, Lab, or Monochrome)
- cannot be larger than a certain size of mb
- must be saved in "compatibility" mode (which is usually the default option in PS)

I'm sorry I don't remember what that file size limit is off the top of my head and I don't have time to look it up, but I think it is either 1gb or 2gb.

Another reason might be issues with file permissions (if C1 can't write to the folder to create it's cache/settings sidecars things can get wonky - though usually it will show you the thumbnail with an eyeball icon - not nothing).


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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2012, 12:08:51 pm »

"Capture One has the following restrictions on reading TIFFs:
- must be RGB (no CYMK, Lab, or Monochrome)
- cannot be larger than a certain size of mb
- must be saved in "compatibility" mode (which is usually the default option in PS)

I'm sorry I don't remember what that file size limit is off the top of my head and I don't have time to look it up, but I think it is either 1gb or 2gb.

Another reason might be issues with file permissions (if C1 can't write to the folder to create it's cache/settings sidecars things can get wonky - though usually it will show you the thumbnail with an eyeball icon - not nothing)."

I never thought of file sizes being an issue, so good to know,  but they are between 600-800MB depending on cropping, but all less than 1 GB.  This is the designated C1 output file for the project so C1 did write to it, and processed RGB;  color space IQ180-flash; and the other parameters should be covered but I'll check. Thaks for your reply.


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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2012, 12:46:09 pm »

Interesting--after I did uninstall and clean install of C! pro v 6.4, I reprocessed these images to the same output file, along side the previously processed images.  The newly processed images, same sized read fine while the old ones did not, which I trashed. So I have no idea why unless it was in the clean install, but even then, the old ones still couldn't be read in C1 but could in PS, BR and LR.  I guess problem solved but no solution  lol.


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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2012, 08:02:14 pm »

As much as I love the conversions generated by C1 Pro, I am discovering an issue that might prevent me from using it much. I am not sure whether it is a new 6.4 issue of whether it has been there all along.

Lack of capacity and concerns with the conditions of the HDs in my excellent Wiebetech SCSI320 Raid 5 enclusore have forced me to invest in a long term NAS, namely a QNAP 1079, one of the fastest Gigabit NAS available on the market.

I am discovering that C1 Pro is extremely slow when this disk, formated in EX4, is mounted with Samba on OSX. The NAS is connected to the Mac Pro through a gigabit hub. I'll try replacing it later today by a Netgear gigabit switch.

I assumed for a while that this was a fast as it would get compared to SCSI320... only to discover that LR4 is much much faster with the NAS. In fact LR4 is almost as fast with the NAS as it is with the SCSI unit while C1 Pro basically hangs.

Any way to configure C1 Pro to by-pass this issue? This problem will go away the day Apple comes up with a Thunderbolt enabled Mac Pro... but until then Houston we have a problem...




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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2012, 08:23:10 pm »

As much as I love the conversions generated by C1 Pro, I am discovering an issue that might prevent me from using it much. I am not sure whether it is a new 6.4 issue of whether it has been there all along.

Lack of capacity and concerns with the conditions of the HDs in my excellent Wiebetech SCSI320 Raid 5 enclusore have forced me to invest in a long term NAS, namely a QNAP 1079, one of the fastest Gigabit NAS available on the market.

I am discovering that C1 Pro is extremely slow when this disk, formated in EX4, is mounted with Samba on OSX. The NAS is connected to the Mac Pro through a gigabit hub. I'll try replacing it later today by a Netgear gigabit switch.

I assumed for a while that this was a fast as it would get compared to SCSI320... only to discover that LR4 is much much faster with the NAS. In fact LR4 is almost as fast with the NAS as it is with the SCSI unit while C1 Pro basically hangs. Any way to configure C1 Pro to by-pass this issue? This problem will go away the day Apple comes up with a Thunderbolt enabled Mac Pro... but until then Houston we have a problem...

Hi Bernard,

Perhaps the speed difference is caused by the difference in storage location of the relevant files. LR stores a catalog and the processing settings centrally (= convenient to back-up, but also relatively vulnerable to lose). Capture One stores the data distributed (as a sub-directory) together with the original files (which is more efficient when storing files and their processing parameters together, off-line). Put your data on the faster drive (and use a Back-up utility to store to NAS.

== If you do what you did, you'll get what you got. ==


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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2012, 08:49:02 pm »

Hi Bernard,

Perhaps the speed difference is caused by the difference in storage location of the relevant files. LR stores a catalog and the processing settings centrally (= convenient to back-up, but also relatively vulnerable to lose). Capture One stores the data distributed (as a sub-directory) together with the original files (which is more efficient when storing files and their processing parameters together, off-line). Put your data on the faster drive (and use a Back-up utility to store to NAS.

Thanks Bart.

I don't think so. I have configured lightroom so that it doesn't change the location of the files.

The long term intend is of course to put live data back in a Thunderbolt drive, but I'll wait until I see a clear willingness from Apple to upgrade the Mac Pro. The Promise raid is tempting, but it doesn't offer any interface besides Thunderbolt, which makes it unusable with my old Mac Pro.

If LR4 provides me with good performance with the NAS, then that's another reason to use it. The performance of Lightroom is simply normal, it loads files according to the transfer speed the NAS delivers, which is around 70 MB/S. C1 seems to have a problem with it.



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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2012, 10:23:58 pm »

Quick update on this.

C1 Pro responds much faster after having replaced the Buffalo switching hub by a netgear switch.

It would be interesting to try to investigate the reason, but I'll leave that to someone else.

Anyway, problem seems mostly fixed for now.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2012, 01:43:17 am by BernardLanguillier »


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Re: C1 6.4
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2012, 11:36:24 am »

After working with C1 6.4 and Lightroom with my D800 NEF files, I am REALLY liking the LR4 files. Didn't think I would ever say that as I have been a C1 fanboy for years.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2012, 11:39:17 am by SpiritShooter »
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