Funny cause quite frankly I find it refreshing. She writes like most people talk, at least people from my generation. And the no-nonsense straight to the point way she presents herself appeals very much to me. Like her I'm quite sick of smarmy, politically correct, corporate bullshit. Sorry you can't get past that because she's got some interesting things to say.
I'm with you all the way on this. If someone is spouting BS here, which sadly, is becoming more frequent, I'd rather someone call them out.Bullshit is bullshit by any other name. I like my answers straight and I detest misinformation being passed off as fact. If the language used is a little colourful, well, I'll put up with it provided the content is valuable. I'm tired of ignorant twits spouting nonsense and having everyone tiptoe around the issue. How are people supposed to learn if suspect statements and practices aren't challenged and tested in the most robust terms? This forum descends into mediocrity and irrelevance if the conversations are not able to be robust, just because a small number of individuals might take offence. A spade should be called a spade.
I used to follow PDN also, but it descended into mediocrity because the few truly knowledgeable contributors got tired of the low-level pedantry and sudden volume of chatter from measurebators.
This particular area, supposedly being for pros, should be the most robust of all. I, for one, have been shooting high-end ads internationally for 20+ years and I'm happy to muck-in here to share and learn in equal measure. However, if I have to pussyfoot around all the time, then I'll go play elsewhere. I'm pretty sure this is what killed the PDN forums and hope it doesn't happen here.