Thank you louoates and fotometria gr for the insights...
The price: $5 is the lowest possible in certain spl. terms like contracted regular large volumes, buyer’s image- ‘printing only’ service etc. As you know India has cost advantages.
DSLR for image capture: I know fotometria gr what you meant. Mine is a start-up in ‘this’ line as a diversification to existing business. I need to study the line till I receive high end jobs. And I need a ‘handy’ camera system anyway. Later on can invest more on MFDB.
@I will also question the use of a DSLR to reproduce art work even if it is small, I suggest a MFDB for that and if possible a multishot one (sinar or Imacon/Hasselblad)...
I am sure you will face stiff opposition from many photography experts, if you post the above statement at Photo-forums... I become challenged for my proposal to buy a DB. They say DBs are of bygone ‘film only’ era.
TODAY, capability of DSLRs are leapfrogged to unimaginable folds, in capture, sharpness, color, low light imaging, high resolution, full frame censors, vast MPs....etc. in combination with ‘software-force’ like Photoshop, Fractals...etc. Hence DSLRs fare much better in totality and in cumulative results. And DBs pushed to specific, niche areas where extra high resolution and astonishing high volume data has to be processed, which is mostly limited to industrial and premium buyers/ sectors, they say.
Using a 50mm/2.5 macro on a 5D full frame, with benchmarked studio lighting, decent sizes anything upto 3x2 ft or even 4x3 ft possible without vignette or other problems, they encourage.
What do you think?
Please note, personally I am not at all ridiculing DBs, but highly respectful of their sought after capabilities.