It was an iPad/Apple TV announcement; it says nothing one way or the other about Aperture.
I know but it would be nice if Apple gave us some indication of Aperture's future. Adobe let us have a beta version of LR4 before issuing the full version. I have a camera (Nex 7) which isn't supported for Raw in Aperture and, although I don't want to switch to LR, I'm sorely tempted especially with the new pricing (which makes LR now very competitive).Unfortunately, it's not Apple's way to let us know in advance so I see a trial of LR4 on my horizon so that I've at least got a decent Raw processor for my shiny new toy.RegardsJohn
It depends on the original raw file from which the DNG was created. All is well if Core Image (or whatever they call it now) can read the original raw file. If not, I think it only offers a baseline DNG conversion.
Aperture certainly reads DNGs OK, so I don't see why you should have any problems
Thanks, I'll give it a try over the weekend.
I took some RAWs on the Nex 7 on Sunday and converted them in Adobe DNG Converter. They loaded up just fine in Aperture and, surprisingly, showed details of the lens in the metadata, which didn't happen for the jpegs of the same shots.So, slightly annoying that I have to do this but I'm only a happy amateur so not a big problem.JohnP.S Image Data Converter from Sony was so slow as to be unusable.