Why jc1RGB is chosen as Intermediate Color Space?Intermediate Color Space Consideration: BetaRGB vs jc1RGBI shall try to present it as brief as possible. Believe me, it is tedious and uninteresting exercise.
1) Compute the RGB-Lab Profile data for ProPhoto, call it the Source.
Convert the Souce to Destination space for both BetaRGB and jc1RGB
I shall not go into details on how they were created.
2) How to interpret my data
Refer to below attached tables, Table1 and Table2.
The data colored in green is the RGB-Lab data for ProPhoto (source space)
The data colored in red in Table1 is the RGB-Lab data for BetaRGB (destination space)
The data colored in red in Table2 is the RGB-Lab data for jc1RGB (destination space)
The data colored in red is the converted data with AbsCol from ProPhoto space.
They are of the following format:
For example: Red 1
ID Name R G B L* a* b* R G B L* a* b*
1 Red1 255.000 0.000 0.000 60.608 139.169 104.497 ---> 255.000 0.000 21.000 61.947 107.273 100.699 (BetaRGB) Table 1
---> 255.000 52.000 0.000 58.764 124.016 98.898 ( jc1RGB) Table 2
Above example shows Photo RGB=(255 0 0) is mapped to BetaRGB RGB = (255 0 21) with AbsCol
and is mapped to jc1RGB RGB = (255 52 0) with AbsCol
3) Examining the data sets
a) When converting from ProPhoto to BetaRGB
Red1 to Red6 RGB = ( 255 0 21) these colors are indistinguishable after conversion
Red7 to Red21 RGB = ( 255 0 22) these colors are indistinguishable after conversion
note: Red21 in ProPhoto is RGB = (235 0 0)
b) When converting from ProPhoto to j1RGB
Red4 and Red5 = (255 49 0) these colors are indistinguishable after conversion
note: Red4 in ProPhoto is RGB = (252 0 0)
As I mentioned earlier, further optimazation is still possible by moving primaries G & B, for perfectness.
4) Above was done for RED channel only.
As for the GREEN and BLUE, the results are comparable for both BetaRGB and jc1RGB and I shall not repeat here.
5) Examine the data in the tables to convince yourself.
