Hi all,
I was not presenting a new invention, but just trying to convince the audience that the conversion from ProPhoto to sRGB can be performed perceptually with the current cmm but with a different approach. The aim is to improve the color re-generation process. Certainly, there may have other better way to do it that I am unaware of.
I do not have a real and good example to show. I had used the hypothetical model (see
Example 2) which covers all the most saturated colors (be it R, G or B) in ProPhoto to demonstrate its capability. My supplemented photo images may not represent the best examples, but I still think they do not mislead the reproduction capability of this conversion process.
Let's move on by looking at it from a different perspective.
PhotoGamutRGB's Perceptual vs. jc1's PerceptualI am using just one example here. If you have example to show that PhotoG does perform better, you are encouraged to show your image and with histograms if possible.

1. Original Tiff image
Nikon raw --> Import into NX2 with ProPhoto profile --> Cropped and output to Tiff --> Import into CS
Following conversions were performed in PS.
2. a) Convert from Tiff to photoGamut
b) Further convert to sRGB with RelCol sRGB
3) Convert with jc1's 2-step* suggestion.
DifferencesFor PhotoGamut, it was first converted perceptually to a much smaller space than that for ProPhoto, and then Relcol to sRGB.
As for my approach, the image was first AbsCol (or RelCol) to a intermediate color space which is smaller than ProPhoto but still significantly larger compared to sRGB. Then to sRGB with perceptual intent.
a) * I shall keep using the same term to avoid further confusion.
b) Compare by observing the shadow detail as shown in the histograms.
Thank you.