First of all, it's a discontinued product. Secondly, I have to snicker at anyone who would have bought such an old product in the last few years considering there were such better options - plenty of us have been discouraging sales of that product for a variety of reasons. Thirdly, if you had bought an XRite product in the last few months you'd be eligible for a free upgrade. Fourthly, on the low end, the Huey and ColorMunki are both Lion compatible.
XRite has Lion compatible, modern code software for all of their devices. They aren't dropping support. Even long discontinued products like the Pulse, DTP94, SpectroScan, Sphere, etc are supported with XRite's free ColorPort utility. Yes, some who bought products a while back will have to pay for an upgrade to continue profiling capabilities, but those users will gain new features and quality with it.
Hi Scott,
You can snicker about people buying an Eye 1 Display 2 because it is an "old" product, but NEC bundles TODAY their customized version of this device for profiling their latest state-of-the-art PA series displays. I haven't heard yet whether my NEC colorimeter will work with Lion. I suppose it is up to NEC to make sure of that should they chose to do so, but as I say, narry a peep from them.
Next on Pulse - yes - the device is supported with ColorPort, but neither the Pulse nor ColorPort can generate a profile. For that, on Snow Leopard I can still generate a profile using the Elite software that came with the device. It is vintage 2005, needs Rosetta and is therefore gone with Lion. So, my options, to continue using this device, are to buy i1Profiler for 500 bucks, or keep on tap my old Windows XP laptop on which this software still runs fine. We know that i1Profiler will generate a slightly better profile than will Elite - but the differences don't turn the world upside-down. So were I to upgrade to Lion one of these days (TBD), I'll then have what I consider a marginal decision to make about spending the next 500 for a very slight improvement of the warm-tone gamut.
Small increments of progress cost us chunks of money. As I've said before, upgrade when necessary but don't necessarily upgrade.