Mark, I have no personal vandetta against you. Because, if I did, then trust me you provided me with a wonderful opportunity to embarass you online with that proceedure of yours to determine gamuts, which was so patently incorrect and naive.
Joofa, I posted those in a sincere attempt to understand what you are saying with your graph. I put it all out there, explained specifically what I was doing, and then asked, "is this what you mean?" It was
meant as an opportunity for you to tell me where I was going wrong. I wouldn't find it the slightest bit embarrassing to be wrong and if I'm naive, so be it.
Please embarrass me if it means explaining in detail why that graph is important. I've tried to be very clear with everything I've posted here—this is because if I'm wrong, I want people to have enough information to show me exactly where I'm wrong. I don't want to post a bunch of half-committed ideas that are impossible to agree or disagree with.
But calling me naive and showing how I'm naive are two different things. Show me. Show us all. Be blunt, I can take it. I relish the chance to be embarrassed if it means you will clearly explain why that graph that you keep reposting is important to your point.
So, this is what I see on that graph (It's on page two of this thread):
• A three dimensional space with an unlabeled scale along the outer edges
• Six lines arranged inside the space connecting to the origin of the unlabeled space
• Labels indicating that the lines represent primaries from Adobe and ProPhotoRGB (although you've used the terms Adobe(D50) and Adobe(65) throughout the thread, so the label is a little vague.
• A line labeled 'spectral colors'
So you can continue to be cagey and vague about this or you can fill us in.
Here's a start:•Do the numbers outside the box represent XYZ numbers?
•Which Axis is which?
•The endpoints of the vectors, presumably are XYZ coordinates (but that depends on the first question)—since you are clearly working with numbers, maybe you could just post the coordinates of the vectors. It's only six numbers, you can cut and paste.