I'm amazed at how willing people are to give up their liberty and their privacy in order to let the government be in charge of their well-being. Name one thing (other than national defense) that the government does better than the private sector.
If that's not enough to dissuade you from the idea of gov't-run health care, how about a case study? As a disabled veteran, I've personally experienced government-run health care. Imagine this (and this has personally happened to me): You need an appointment with your primary care provider. You call them for an appointment and they tell you they will inform on a later date you when your appointment is scheduled. You wait. And wait. You call them and ask about your appointment request, and they say THEY will "inform" YOU. A few weeks (actually about 6 weeks), you receive a letter in the mail telling you that your appointment is scheduled for two days ago. You call them and tell them that you missed your appointment because the notification was received after the appointment had come and gone. They are irritated because your file says you missed your appointment, so they reschedule you for an appointment for two months later. In the meantime, you have been waiting 5 months to see your doctor, and your condition hasn't improved. What a glorious system. If they treat veterans that way, imagine how they'll treat the general public.
No one has died from lack of gov't health care. To say otherwise is simply false. All you have to do is go the the ER. By law, they are not allowed to turn anyone away. Yes, we do need to reform health care, namely, the way patients are allowed to sue a doctor out of house & home for the slightest mistake. Or how about opening health insurance up to some interstate competition?
Sorry to get up on the soapbox, but I know what's coming, and all I have to say is: be careful what you wish for. You might just get it.