The "workaround" that I was advised by x-rite CM customer service was: "Stop using Capture One Pro."
This is unacceptable.
The second alternative they offered me was to buy yet another monitor profiling system (i1Display2), but at a discount, to use with the CM, and until a software patch solution was generated (if ever) to work with both ICC version 2.
Somehow, I just don't feel it is right to "reward" the company by having to buy yet another product from them, just to make the original product (Munki) work as they have initially represented. Over $400 dollars spent on the CM, doesn't work as advertised for me, and no returns. Real nice.
I'm leaning towards dumping X-rite completely and going with the Datacolor Spyder3Elite solutions if a better alternative doesn't present itself shortly.
I agree with your general sentiment - the amazing thing has been the utter and total arrogance exhibited that bordered on plain hostility, well now I'm hostile.. and I'm usually able to put up with a lot from flaky drivers and know nothing tech support.
The problem here is they do know something about color and I do respect that, - but literally X-rite thinks that there is not a single solitary problelm with thier product and that you should be grateful to have it.
I fist called them as I became concerned while waiting for the ColorMunki as some threads had commented on the vagueness of the instructions - asking what the exact steps were to turn off color managment for my printer. There are three major manufacturers Canon, HP, and Epson, There are two operatings systems and a few variants - if you laid out a table and multiplied it by versions of drivers it's probably about 48 or so maximum that would cover 90% or better of the target market - truth be told probalby 16 screenshots / Kb articles would probalbby cover 99%, so I thought hey - just e-mail me the KB becaue I could not find it on your site........
Oh heck no, instead I started getting a rahter snooty lecture from the tech support guy on how this was not thier responsibility and impossible to do. I am sorry - in 4 weeks or less and documentation writer - or technical support staff could have knocked this out.
Besides any compotent quality assurance staff would have done this testing already and just could have taken the screeenshots and passed them along to a writer.
I should have just returned the device then, but I kept plugging along... figuring that all this great hoopla would show how great the device is.
The ColorMunki has defects in its USB driver were coming out of S3/ S4 hybrid standby it wont always be recognized on multiple different hubs and directs connects - instead of working with me X-rite has ignored me.
The device appears to not have any way to increase the accuracy of its black and white printing - or the gray tones - which so many of us with multiple inksets native in the printer for black and white printing want to use.
This was the quoted reccomendation,"You may also find that you are aiming at a result that would typically require the feature set of our professional level programs, Monaco Profiler or ProfileMaker."
Some more from X-rite support:
4: Profile adjustment and editing is not something that is central to the ColorMunki feature set. The types of prints that you are attempting to do are very specialized and grayscale profiles are not specifically addressed by the program. Many fine art companies have devoted considerable effort to create grayscale procedures for users such as yourself. I'd suggest checking out Nash Editions, or Luminous Landscape to see what suggestions they can provide.

Bruce - can you please clarify this statement you are telling me that CM cannot be used to make professional level prints, either color nor greyscale and are recommending I go look on BBS's for support ??
You indicate you are using Qimage for printing. Our support department will have no information on this program, and although it might well produce excellent results, we would recommend contacting their support department for any print related issues.
So X-rite doesn't support the product with screenshots or workarounds to known issues , there are rounding errors that mean that a profile cannot be optimized more than some unknown unset standard, Drying times for full color maturity will not be something that X-Rite will provide any specific guidance on. X-rite's software is involved with making profiles, and we provided the suggestion that you increase your drying time based on the findings of many end users who report that their profiles improved on some papers when they left them to dry longer. You are free to make the call for your papers and length of time needed. Further information may be obtained from Epson, Crane or other paper manufacturers.
hey it's my three cents.- or more like four hundred dollars plus a box of crane rag and Epson paper - ouch.