Yes I'd agree about the software, but what aspects do you find hard to use?
First, the software is finalized (the product is shipping, the software has to be downloaded).
I can't comment on how much its changed since the last beta, as I can't even use the stinkin product now with the beta hardware. Don't get me started.
Its not "hard to use", its very poorly designed for the market X-Rite was (is) going after. Do designers and similar users really need to hear about gamma? Come on, its 2008. X-Rite had an opportunity to make this a far easier process, in terms of what they ask in the UI, the instructions provided etc. Instead, they pretty much put a more modern UI on EyeOne Match. They failed IMHO to produce a more modern color management package that reduces to a bare minimum all the color geek stuff this market shouldn't have to even think about.
Hardware wise, GretagMacbeth has a very nice product they designed. Software, done in the US, kind of messy. Its like Audi providing a great car to Ford, then having them rip out the nice interior and making it look like a 1971 Pinto! OK, its not that bad, but the software wasn't at all designed as well as the hardware.