The move to download from DVD is an economic necessity.
I'm sorry Michael, but what is the economic necessity of switching from DVD to crap-quality downloadable video? Why can Brooks Jensen continue to send out his LensWork Extended CD's, but you can no longer mail out the LLVJ DVD? How is your business case different than his? Do you need to raise the price to $24.95? Fine, do it. I'll pay it. That should easily cover any additional postage fees you're experiencing.
It is also one that has been met by considerable customer support.
You've said this before, but I'm sorry, I just don't believe you on this. Reading the responses on your own forum, it has been overwhelmingly negative.
How many people that converted their subscription to downloadable video are now regretting it? I certain regret doing it. Fortunately, I've been told mine is being switched back, since I never used any of the coupons.
Are you making the assumption that everyone who switched is happy? Are you assuming that silence is golden, and that if you're not hearing from someone, they must be happy? Two very naive assumptions if that's the case.
But, there have been objections, and so we are tying to find compromise. Putting an 4.1GB ISO version online for people to download is one such attempt.
But, when actual customer response is so slim as to make the effort / reward ratio so small as to render the exercise moot, one has to wonder how worthwhile continuing to do so might be.
In everything we do Chris and I need to balance demand against resources. Several people voiced displeasure at the loss of image quality with downloads. Fine. Understood. But when we offer an alternative, to then have only a handful of people take advantage forces us to consider our future plans accordingly.
But you're basing that decision on one, not real well executed attempt. There are two many other reasons why the downloadable DVD may not have sold.
- People still receiving the DVD aren't going to pay to download the same content.
- People who already purchased and watched the downloadable video won't purchase the same content again, at least not at full price
- People who don't like that the downloadable DVD is multiple parts that have to be reassembled probably gave it a pass.
As the DVD subscriptions run out, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the number of people purchasing the downloadable DVD will grow to a number to make it worthwhile.
Fix the problem with the online store, so the file can be delivered as a single ISO file, and you will attract a lot more people, while also making Chris' job easier. There is no reason that shouldn't be possible.
In the best of all possible worlds we would like nothing better than to please everyone. But that's clearly not possible. So what we will do is to try and please as large an audience as possible within the constraints of the time and other resources available to us.
But beyond just pleasing the mass market, don't you have pride in your product? Do you honestly believe that the quality of the downloadable video truly represents your work? You're selling out, and sacrificing quality for ease of delivery. That's a real shame. Your work deserves better.