Chriss don't get me wrong I won't flame you but 24fps is just plain judder.
For video you need 59,94 to be exact for NTSC.
UNLESS you shoot on progressive HD, but than you need to feed it through a good deïnterlacer which can do a 3/2 pulldown which most people don't have.
Actually I have one and I can tell you that the downloads as they are now are REALLY very juddery on my projector.
I love to watch your beautiful work on the projector, I can't see myself sitting in front of my monitor for 2.5 hours, I already spend way too much time there.
Why not just do it this way (it's just an idea).
Drop all the downloads, drop the DVD.
Get ONE download file one large container/ISO file with the DVD the same you normally use to send out to the mastering facilities.
This way you don't have to do all the extra work, your mac or PC can decode the stuff almost real time nowadays whilst for H264 it's working like a night or two for 2.5 hours, and everyone is happy.
I'm even willing to pay 19.95 for my DVDs, heck even 24,95 if you want.
BUT PLEASE let me/us enjoy it on the bigscreen were the beautiful images belong.
The time of 32" displays is long gone, most people here own 42/50" plasmas or projectors and for example the Sri Lanka piece was absolutly breathtaking on the big screen.
You put so much work into the DVDs please don't ruin it by the so called hi-res downloads
If you want I can set it all up for you, we know how to make ISOs that everyone can read, you can send me by FTP the files I can make a downloadable ISO for you that everyone can burn, I can even shrink it down to 4.27GB if you want, you can download it one day later and put it online.
I'm willing to do this for free for you.