Hi! Big help needed! I’m on week 1 of a 3 week important photo trip in Crete and Milos greece, right now i’m 2hours from Heraklion, the biggest little city on crete.
I do this art projekt were we take self portraits of our family in different settings.
The huge problem now is that i have lost the little cable between my fuji gfx 50s and my pocketwizard i use to remotely trigger the camera. So i now need to find a really hard to find cable fast on this island. The cable i lost had What looked like a 2,5 mm male in the camera end and 3,5 mm make in the trigger end. So now to the question: am I right with the 2,5 mm part or did it just look like that? Is just a standard 2,5 mm male or something more special? If I’m right about the 2,5mm part i could start looking At audio stores and so. I read some where that Canon uses the same plug? That could greatly increase the chance of finding something. In my mind a 2,5 mm male to 3,5 mm female plug and then a ordinary 3,5mm male to male cable seems like something that maybe maybe i could find. Would that work?
Any help on what cable i should look for and any help on where on crete i should start looking would be greatly appriciated. Maybe some one knows some one?
Warm regards Niclas