There's no way to answer that question, but I'm pretty sure that full ICUs and 1000 Covid deaths per day may not be exactly normal yet. Is that unreasonable? You've been more or less saying what you're saying from the start and all throughout the 600,000+ deaths, so from my point of view you have more to explain than I do. Not that either one of us owes anyone any explanations.
Besides, I look around here in Ontario, and I'd call things pretty normal, really. Businesses are running, store shelves are filled, friends are travelling, but there's enough remnant of viral loads floating around that it's still sensible to wear masks indoors where there are strangers. All and all, not really a heavy price to pay not to be sick and not to transfer the sickness to others who may be less able to cope.
And please don't say 'Life is a risk', it's a pointless cliché, and everyone is bored of hearing it.
Anyway, didn't you say earlier (or in another thread) that you've been living your life normally for a while now, so what are you complaining about anyway? Surely it doesn't bother you that others choose to live differently? Surely they are entitled to the freedom to do that.
Epidemiologists from the beginning said that we might be looking at 4 years of abnormality before it's all done. Being sick and tired of it will not speed anything up.
True, I am living my life normal, or as normal as I can. And if you, or anyone else, wants to wear a mask, socially distance, etc, you certainly can do so. I have no issue with it.
But, you and I both know, the control freaks just cant get over mandating things, like more masks and distancing, even if you were a good little boy and got vaccinated. This is even the case when we now have research, from MIT, that masking and social distancing did pretty much nothing, and the only thing that mattered was length of indoor air exposure.
Now we have the Delta variant, which is a 1000 times more contagious than Alpha, and a recent study from the University of Waterloo showing
new never worn KN95 masks only filter out 50% of particles, and that is assuming you are wearing the correct sized mask without any facial hair. (Those blue medical masks everyone wears only filters out 10% and cloth masks filter out essentially nothing, according to the research.) Even if we all wore new KN95 masks, properly, how is it going to matter to a variant that is 1000 times more contagious? Moving onto other mandates, ...
Beliefs become dogma once challenged. I consider anti-vax ideologies to be rather ignorant, but a mandate is one hell of a challenge to such an ignorant belief. Even with a person with a mild case of anti-vaxsteria, issuing a mandate is likely to turn him into a member of the choir. But the mandate crowd refuses to accept this and feels with the right laws and policies, you can just fix any flaw in humanity (an asinine concept which is one of the main reasons I am not a progressive). They are moving forward with this in NYC and will create three obvious issues that very much effect society, and, by extension, me.
First, in NYC (according to the official NY state health department) 69.6% of White Not Latinos are vaccinated, but only 22.7% of Blacks, 27.9% of Asians, and 30.4% of Latinos are. These numbers have been steady for the past few months and, even after the mandate was announced, no significant increases were seen. For all intents and purposes, the NYC Key is going to turn one of the most diverse cities in the USA into a Whites only society, especially outside of Manhattan where the vaccination rates are worse. This is morally reprehensible, full stop.
Second, non-vaccinated people will continue to be non-vaccinated and just start hanging out with each other en mass. This will increase spread and the chance of mutations, effecting the overall population.
Last, many service businesses rely on minorities, and immigrants, to fill back of the house positions. This may not sound politically correct, but that is the case. This mandate is effectively going to kill the service industry and pull down the economy, which effects society.
So, like I said at the start, if we were left to make our own decisions, I would have no problem. But that is not good enough for many people who now are seeking mandates. It is the mandates I disagree with and do effect me.