I know, I came in with all guns blazing there didn't I? But seriously folks, where do we draw the line with this kind of thing? And if it becomes acceptable to swap bits and pieces around from various other different images that we have either taken previously, or bought as part of a package from the internet and that someone else took, then where is that line? In fact is there even a line at all anymore?
Hi Dave. Why should it there be a line? Looks like putting limits to creativity to me.
Anyway, why care how others are making their images?
From this forum I usually like most of the pictures. But on my walls I hang only MY fotos.
From other people I learn technicalities, take cues, probably modify inconsciously my way of seeing.
But what I care for is MY photography, even if I like other people's work a lot.
Maybe it is different if one is thinking in terms of competition and/or being judged by others. Then probably there are rules.
In this forum (and maybe others) or at exhibitions I just show my work. When others like it, I'm happy. If not, then they like something different. That's all.
Nota bene: Personally I try to interpret nature as I saw and felt it when I was there. I don't change skies nor do I use ND filters to make silky waters. But if the effect is good, I enjoy them (from others) too.