Biden's comment about releasing the second doses was made on Jan 6th before Azar's comment on 1/12 and the other comment on 1/15. Biden made the comment without any virus scientist next to him. It appeared to me he was doing it unilaterally and politically. I think Azar and the other followed his order being the good soldiers they are and came up with justifications to his order.
Trump was castigated for unilaterally recommending testing antiseptics internally, even with doctors standing nearby. But when Biden recommends something unilaterally that's medical, he's given a pass.
There are two issues on the table that may be conflating as well. One is opening up second doses for the first dose. The second related issue is opening up age group 65-74 to include people from 16-64 who have certain medical issues. It's too complicated for regular people to sort out, especially seniors. All we know is at the last moment, the government changed the protocol in two different ways without discussion or public comment. That wasn't right. I have loads of friends who can't get their first shot because of it who are in anguish. They are at wit's end not knowing what to do and scared sh!tless for being left out in the cold not being able to get the shot. That's Biden's fault.
This is edging on the political, where I do not want to tread.
However, you have no idea who Biden consulted before making that statement on 1/8. He could not have any of the CDC scientist or Fauci on the broadcast because they did not report to him until noon 1/21.
Azar didn’t “follow his orders” because he did not report to Biden (and doesn’t now, he is no longer in the job). Azar should have been aware of the supply situation, which he obviously wasn’t. Who knows why that admin kept it quite.
Taking bleach as a cure and recommending supply release (which was being done, but hidden) are worlds apart and I question how they can be included in the same paragraph, much less same room...??
The issue on 2nd doses is not supply, but how the supply is managed weekly to balance 1st and 2nd dose needs.