There’s more to come, Rayyan; still more from immediately postwar Korea, then a few from Thailand, then more from Vietnam.
I look back on this stuff with mixed emotions. In Korea I was a 23-year-old kid, flying fighter-bombers and shooting pictures in my spare time. I can’t really get in touch any longer with my thoughts then. But I
can get in touch with my thoughts ten years later when I was a radar site operations officer in Thailand and later, a radar site commander in the Vietnam delta. Finally, another eight years later, I was commander of all the radar sites we had left in Southeast Asia. I don’t have many pictures from that final tour because I was a busy bee while we were bombing in Cambodia, and after that stopped, keeping my troops more or less under control as they indulged in what the Thai call
sanuk (a capacity for fun) . But what I do have is a dozen short stories I wrote shortly after I got back