Can someone explain this to me? The GOP is strongly against the deficit. Yet they also object to funding increases for the IRS and in fact have fought for decreases in funding. Well duh, taxes are where the government gets its money, and increased IRS funding would be focused on wealthy tax cheats and not on Joe and Jane Citizen who made an honest error on their return.
It is estimated by the IRS that we would bring in an additional $ 1 trillion a year if the wealthy tax cheats were called to account. Yes, trillion. That is 2/3 of this year's projected deficit.
Republican hypocrisy knows no bounds.
I read it this way but I'm cynical: Without sufficient IRS inspectors, businesses can get away with more and thus save on taxes. Also, laying off IRS staff means less people on government payroll, so they save on taxes. Because, you know, taxes are bad, unless those taxes are used to subsidize corn or sugar conglomerates or oil exploration, because Big Oil can't afford to do their own exploration.
I bet Trump's layoffs at the IRS got him a lot of votes.
It's not Republican hypocrisy, it's what they want. The whining about deficits and debts is part of the entertainment, something they say to get a reaction. Didn't you catch the wink? They could reduce government spending by cutting military spending, but you don't hear that much. Which is odd because many of them don't want to participate in offshore conflicts, which would ordinarily imply that you don't need as large a military. But that military spending fills a lot of coffers.
You may be coming at this from the point of view that a country should want to improve life for its citizens. But the government can only make their lives worse, didn't you know.