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Re: C1 update - good additional features!
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2020, 11:31:53 pm »

Wow, cool new C1 program icon.  A bit more stylish.

Paul C
Paul Caldwell
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Re: C1 update - good additional features!
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2020, 11:40:23 am »

It's amazing actually that they have none of the main primes 300mm, 400mm and 500mm, nothing for the main long zooms 200-500mm, 200-400mm and 80-400, In fact I can't find any profile for anything in the 400mm range.

This has been the case for years, and with this new Pro version for Nikon I am stunned they still have not stepped up to the plate and taken care of this.

They did fix the "edit with" problem for win10 however.

Paul C
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Re: C1 update - good additional features!
« Reply #22 on: May 25, 2020, 04:22:36 am »

Am I the only one to notice a significant downgrading of performance from 13.0 to 13.1 for images import?

It's especially obvious for Nikon files where it takes 7~10s per image to import from a super fast internal SSD.

This is on a very fast Mac Pro 2019.

Thank you.



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Re: C1 update - good additional features!
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2020, 07:25:31 pm »

In the “ before and after” is it possible to set the “before” image at any given point rather than the very first image? I do not feel it is too beneficial to compare the processed image to the very first one.

Jeremy Roussak

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Re: C1 update - good additional features!
« Reply #24 on: May 26, 2020, 03:16:32 am »

In the “ before and after” is it possible to set the “before” image at any given point rather than the very first image? I do not feel it is too beneficial to compare the processed image to the very first one.

I agree. That's why the history palette is so useful in LR and why it would be so handy in C1.



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Re: C1 update - good additional features!
« Reply #25 on: May 26, 2020, 07:06:13 am »

In the “ before and after” is it possible to set the “before” image at any given point rather than the very first image? I do not feel it is too beneficial to compare the processed image to the very first one.

IMHO, the difficulty with a sequential history view is that one can only see the difference in time, a single stage during the development after other steps. The important thing to remember is that a 'history' tool only offers to pick a moment on a timeline.

Capture One offers something different, arguably better (I think it is). It allows to switch on/off each individual tool's contribution to the final result. It even allows to switch on/off the individual controls within a tool. In addition, it allows us to take snapshots, create variants in C1 speak, which allows us to switch between different interpretations, and pick up where one was left from there.

I've added an animated GIF to give an idea for those unfamiliar with C1, using ALT-click on the Reset adjustments icon of a tool to temporarily disable all controls of the tool, and a simple click on the name of a control to temporarily disable it.

And as for how a 'history' tool should be implemented, one can learn a lot about how Affinity Photo implemented it. AP offers multiple branches from different stages of development, a feature called 'Cycle Future'. That allows us to go back in the timeline, and pick a different branch of development from there. So one can go back in time, and start a different way of processing, and return to that (or a different) branch at a later moment. That does have some merit, although I still do not see the benefit of storing each and every minor slider move left/right we made until satisfied. Those little tweaks just take space in the timeline but add little, if anything.
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Re: C1 update - good additional features!
« Reply #26 on: May 26, 2020, 09:34:46 pm »

In addition, it allows us to take snapshots, create variants in C1 speak, which allows us to switch between different interpretations, and pick up where one was left from there.

it again is grossly inconvenient because all those variants pollute your browser because their purpose is not really before/after comparison ... in situ before/after operation that allows you to assign any state to "before" (even w/o "history") like Adobe allows is much better


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Re: C1 update - good additional features!
« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2020, 02:32:54 am »

LR offers snapshots, and by its virtual copies feature, a means of branching. C1 plainly records the history, as it supports multiple levels of "undo". It's hard to see how it could be terribly difficult to create a history palette, listing the remembered states. Those who don't want to use it won't; those who do, and see its absence as a block preventing migration to C1 (I, for one; old dog, new tricks) will be happy.

There's no point arguing about alternative methods which may or may not be "better".



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Re: C1 update - good additional features!
« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2020, 04:46:42 am »

LR offers snapshots, and by its virtual copies feature, a means of branching. C1 plainly records the history, as it supports multiple levels of "undo". It's hard to see how it could be terribly difficult to create a history palette, listing the remembered states. Those who don't want to use it won't; those who do, and see its absence as a block preventing migration to C1 (I, for one; old dog, new tricks) will be happy.

Sure, people will use what they like best (assuming they have actually tried alternatives). So if Phase One gets enough requests for adding a chronological history panel they might consider investing some effort in creating and maintaining it. Who knows.

There's no point arguing about alternative methods that may or may not be "better".

Not sure I agree with that. People (in general) easily get stuck in old habits, just because they're used to them. But it can help to try some new workflows from time to time, it might turn out to be an improvement. That's why I do think it is worthwhile to discuss (not necessarily arguing) alternatives. 'Better' is a personal preference, and it is nice to have options to try and choose from.

I also believe in innovation, and it's interesting to see that a relatively small outfit like the makers of Affinity Photo can come up with new ways of implementing old tools that actually are improvements. For instance, AP has had input dialog boxes which allowed to perform calculations in them (e.g. when resizing by percentage, or relative to the other dimension, or other requirements), when Photoshop could only handle simple numerical values. Only recently, Photoshop woke up and also added calculations in input fields, or so I've read. As mentioned, AP also improved the concept of the History panel by adding the branching capability of Cycle Futures.

I like innovation, especially when it makes life easier.

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Re: C1 update - good additional features!
« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2020, 04:47:38 pm »

LR offers snapshots, and by its virtual copies feature, a means of branching. C1 plainly records the history, as it supports multiple levels of "undo". It's hard to see how it could be terribly difficult to create a history palette, listing the remembered states. Those who don't want to use it won't; those who do, and see its absence as a block preventing migration to C1 (I, for one; old dog, new tricks) will be happy.

There's no point arguing about alternative methods which may or may not be "better".


The only tricky part is the local adjustment layer masks. LR uses parametric approach which makes each version of the mask small - but limits the functionality. On the other hand some masks in Capture One are essentially bitmaps, therefore having a full history of certain brushing will cause some serious comask file size increments, and other performance penalties.


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Re: C1 update - good additional features!
« Reply #30 on: June 02, 2020, 11:47:30 am »

I haven't noticed any performance changes (IQ3100, D850 files, 1yo maxed out MBP). I have noticed the crop tool doesn't work the same...when I drag the handles on the edges, the overlays showing me the gridlines (that show you where the center is etc) no longer adjust with the cropping. Can't seem to diagnose where this setting would be?

Anyone else see this?



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Re: C1 update - good additional features!
« Reply #31 on: June 03, 2020, 03:56:03 am »

I haven't noticed any performance changes (IQ3100, D850 files, 1yo maxed out MBP). I have noticed the crop tool doesn't work the same...when I drag the handles on the edges, the overlays showing me the gridlines (that show you where the center is etc) no longer adjust with the cropping. Can't seem to diagnose where this setting would be?

Anyone else see this?

No, things look normal at my side. Have you looked at the settings in the Grid tool, and that 'Follow Crop' is checked to On?
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Re: C1 update - good additional features!
« Reply #32 on: June 03, 2020, 07:41:00 am »

That was it - got unchecked in update apparently. Thanks!


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Re: C1 update - good additional features!
« Reply #33 on: August 26, 2020, 06:44:47 am »

I love the new version! Great new tools and other refinements.

I have found that the trick to good performance with reference folders C1P catalogs is a fast SSD and keep you image catalogs under 25k images. I had to split my 150k+ Lightroom catalog into smaller C1P catalogs by year.

And all this for a stupid bug they refuse to fix. The problem with large catalogs is that all of a sudden when one tries to search, C1 rescans all the original RAM files! Takes ages, totally unusable.

Stéphane  [url=http://www.lumieredargen
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