The new (free) release of C1 seems to have some good improvements in the retouching department - healing brush and clone tool working much better, before vs after slider
I tend to prefer a toggle, as also provided by a shortcut. Maybe I'll change my mind.
There is a toggle as well. So, they have you covered.
The before/after slider is a nice addition, although I tend to prefer a toggle, as also provided by a shortcut. Maybe I'll change my mind.
nowhere as good as Adobe has... they need to have functionality at least close to what you can do w/ variants w/o creating them.
Not sure what you are hinting at? Could you elaborate?
Has it acquired a history palette, like the one in LR?Jeremy
That's a shame. Its absence is the main thing that puts me off switching from LR. Ah well - one day, perhaps.Jeremy
This used to be one of my big issues with Capture One. Eventually, there were enough positives with CO, that I decided to put up with the lack of history. That was three or four years ago. Now, I don't know what I'd do with a history if I had one.CO has the ability to turn each tool off/on independent of everything else. That along with the ability to easily make copies of the image work better for me than a history would.
There is now a "Nikon version" of capture One which includes the typical Nikon picture controls (Standard, Vivid, Landscape, etc.) which is also avaliable in the "Pro" version.
Nice, let’s hope it means we’ll have even better colors for Nikon bodies.I guess it means that Nikon has finally given up on their misguided software efforts and will devote those resources to something useful... 😀Who knows, we may get some DNG raw files, an opened mount...? Cheers,Bernard