In the “ before and after” is it possible to set the “before” image at any given point rather than the very first image? I do not feel it is too beneficial to compare the processed image to the very first one.
IMHO, the difficulty with a sequential history view is that one can only see the difference in time, a single stage during the development
after other steps. The important thing to remember is that a 'history' tool only offers to pick a moment on a timeline.
Capture One offers something different, arguably better (I think it is). It allows to switch on/off each individual tool's contribution to the final result. It even allows to switch on/off the individual controls within a tool. In addition, it allows us to take snapshots, create variants in C1 speak, which allows us to switch between different interpretations, and pick up where one was left from there.
I've added an animated GIF to give an idea for those unfamiliar with C1, using ALT-click on the Reset adjustments icon of a tool to
temporarily disable all controls of the tool, and a simple click on the name of a control to temporarily disable it.
And as for how a 'history' tool
should be implemented, one can learn a lot about how Affinity Photo implemented it. AP offers multiple branches from different stages of development, a feature called 'Cycle Future'. That allows us to go back in the timeline, and pick a different branch of development from there. So one can go back in time, and start a different way of processing, and return to that (or a different) branch at a later moment. That does have some merit, although I still do not see the benefit of storing each and every minor slider move left/right we made until satisfied. Those little tweaks just take space in the timeline but add little, if anything.