Hi All,
Well I have finally finished writing my first book on Photography and it is now available through Amazon, which you can find through my website at
SkyePhotoGuide.com - where you will also find a preview button where you can download part of the guide to give you a taste of what is in it.
I have designed and created the Book as an in-depth, one-to-one Fine Art Landscape Photography Workshop and Grand Tour Guide. Where I take you on a easy to follow way marked tour, to all the most photographic locations I have discovered throughout the North West of Scotland, after nine years of constantly searching with my camera. Including GPS coordinates, Map Reference points and Postal Codes etc. But not only that, I also tell you about any interesting facts or history associated with each location, to try to set the scene for you and help you to capture the best shot of the many hundreds of viewpoints I will take you to. I also describe through a long list of tips and detailed discussions sprinkled throughout the Guide, how to compose and then work through a scene, how to optimise your framing and how to see both photographically and artistically. I then also describe how and when to shoot verticals, horizontals, stitched panoramics, focus stacks, tonally optimised bracket sets, black and white images and a whole lot more, in fact pretty much everything I know. I also describe in easy to understand detail, how to process your images to always get the best results, using many techniques that I have developed myself over the last 30 years of digital image processing and Fine Art Landscape Photography, with many of these techniques never having been discussed before, such as my easy to create and use luminosity selections and masks. I even provide you with a sunset and sunrise compass that includes accurate timetables for the full year and a link to all the updated tide tables for the whole area.
This is the type of in-depth but easy to understand guide to photography, that I would dearly loved to have been available to me when I bought my first digital camera back in the 90's and so I am confident, that this book and the wealth of information and techniques it contains, will quickly become an invaluable and much cherished resource to you, no matter where you shoot in the world.
Dave Hickey