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Author Topic: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One  (Read 2346 times)


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 I have been trying a demo of Capture One and have been struggling with wrapping my head around the import process.

 As a demo initiate, what I really want to do is navigate to my existing directories and select a .CR2 Canon RAW file with Capture One and try a conversion to see if I can get a result I like.

 I don't want to create a Catalog, or even a Session, but it seems like I must.

 I definitely do not want to copy or move my file from the directory it exists in, but I aam worried that I don't know how to prevent that from happening.

 When I work with Adobe Camera RAW I can easily open a file, make some adjustments, and automatically stored the recipe in the .xmp side car alongside the file, in the directory which, at least in my opinion, is appropriate.

 With Capture One it seems like the recipes are stored elsewhere, and hopefully if I have made correct choices, in a sub folder of the directory which I think is appropriate.

 I just wanted to dabble with the RAW conversion process, but it seems like I have to jump all in and understand the whole process just to keep from creating a mess misplaced and lost directories.

 I have been awfully distracted from studying the process, so I admit it is largely my fault, but I have made a few occasions to learn how to transition to the C1 mindset and I have yet to find a tutorial that doesn't assume I want to work with Catalogs and Sessions.

 Can anyone offer any insights or tips to help me?

 Thank you.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2019, 11:41:07 am by earlybird »


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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2019, 12:10:09 pm »

Here's an example of something that confuses me:

I open a directory on my D: drive, I select "Import > Destination > Current Location", and the dialog points to my C; drive rather than my current location on the D: drive.

It makes me think I am storing something on my C: drive, in some unknown place, when I try to avoid storing any data on my C: drive.

What's going on?

Thank you.

Jim Kasson

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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2019, 12:24:31 pm »

On the left hand side, go to System Folders. Then, This PC, then to the directory where your files are. On the right, you'll see thumbnails. Double-click on the one you want to open. Edit it. Export.


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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2019, 12:32:45 pm »

On the left hand side, go to System Folders. Then, This PC, then to the directory where your files are. On the right, you'll see thumbnails. Double-click on the one you want to open. Edit it. Export.
it is not what he wants - he does not want to deal with C1 spending time generating .cot/.cop for the whole bunch of files and creating stupid subfolders... he wants it like ACR does simply & elegant - just one sidecar .xmp file along the raw file - no mess... there is a way, I do this, but involves writing a batch file using mkdir & mklink to fool C1 into thinking that it deals with just a folder with 1 raw file  ;D ,etc

a snippet from my much longer batch file (Z is a ramdisk, that is where C1 fake session resides, etc) which starts C1 from FRV to achieve an ACR like behavior (sessions and catalogs be damned)

IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1" mkdir "Z:%~p1" 1> nul 2> nul

IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Cache" mkdir "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Cache" 1> nul 2> nul

IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1%~nx1" mklink "Z:%~p1%~nx1" %1 1> nul 2> nul

IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Settings130" mklink /D "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Settings130" "%~dp1" 1> nul 2> nul

IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1OUT" mklink /D "Z:%~p1OUT" "%~dp1" 1> nul 2> nul

PS: "OUT" is a dummy folder that I use to make sure C1 outputs TIFF where I want it for a subsequent invoking of PS which then can save final output along with the original raw file in the real folder where it resides... .COS & masks are preserved along with the original raw file - no subfolders, no mess left behind
« Last Edit: November 28, 2019, 12:38:31 pm by DP »


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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2019, 12:58:16 pm »

On the left hand side, go to System Folders. Then, This PC, then to the directory where your files are. On the right, you'll see thumbnails. Double-click on the one you want to open. Edit it. Export.

Thank you for the suggestion.

I can't find any label for "system folders", and I can't seem to double click ony thing that makes anything happen.

Maybe there is some elaboration that can help?


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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2019, 01:01:07 pm »

it is not what he wants - he does not want to deal with C1 spending time generating .cot/.cop for the whole bunch of files and creating stupid subfolders... he wants it like ACR does simply & elegant - just one sidecar .xmp file along the raw file - no mess...

I have been wondering if I just didn't get it, and maybe C1 is not what I thought it was.

I have just been thinking about a potential for enhanced RAW conversion.

After starting this demo I got sidetracked and started learning a bit about Raw Therapee and it seems to be more what I expected it to be.

Still eager to learn if C1 will suit my interests.

Thank you.

Aram Hăvărneanu

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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2019, 01:01:29 pm »

You don't need to import anything, just use an empty session and browse your hard drive.


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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2019, 01:24:25 pm »

You don't need to import anything, just use an empty session and browse your hard drive.

Can't seem to browse anything without importing. If I browse to a folder which I have not already imported I do not see the CR2 files.

Where do the recipes go when I close C1?


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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2019, 01:28:27 pm »

You don't need to import anything, just use an empty session and browse your hard drive.

sessions are just little less messy than catalogs for people who neither want DAM nor want pollution of their storage with a massive amount of subfolders and multiple sidecar-ish files there... not to mention that you actually DO IMPORT (in the form of generating thumbnails and previews for all raw files in the folder) everything in the folder in your session which (if you have a lot of files) can be slow for no reason necessary - where P1 did get an idea along the way from ancient versions of C1 that absolutely everybody wants either sessions or catalogs instead of working with raw files one by one ?

Aram Hăvărneanu

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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2019, 01:56:04 pm »

Can't seem to browse anything without importing. If I browse to a folder which I have not already imported I do not see the CR2 files.

Don't use catalogs, use sessions.


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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2019, 03:01:26 pm »

Earlybird, C1 will function exactly the way you want, with no catalog and no import. That's how I've used it since day 1 - just create a single 'dummy' session, then browse the file system directly.  It's great.


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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2019, 03:32:02 pm »

While I understand why one would want to do it that way, it also holds the risk that one is simply trying to mimick how things are done in e.g. LR. C1 is not LR. It has a different workflow which also has benefits, like tagging with presets and keywords, making backups on first import,  and allowing to efficiently make backups. And by partitioning the sessions per task/theme/assignment/location, one can avoid the system slowing down too much.

But, as mentioned by others, using the C1 Library browser allows to directly peruse one's existing file-structure.

« Last Edit: November 28, 2019, 03:48:15 pm by Bart_van_der_Wolf »
== If you do what you did, you'll get what you got. ==


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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2019, 04:18:44 pm »

Don't use catalogs, use sessions.

Earlybird, C1 will function exactly the way you want, with no catalog and no import. That's how I've used it since day 1 - just create a single 'dummy' session, then browse the file system directly.  It's great.

Thank you!!!!

I set up a dummy session and now everything seems more familiar.

Thank you.



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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2019, 09:34:16 pm »

Thank you!!!!

I set up a dummy session and now everything seems more familiar.

Thank you.


REM if no dummy C1 session exists on my RAM disk then we need to copy a blank one there
IF NOT EXIST "Z:\C1\C1.cosessiondb" xcopy /E /D /Q "C:\Program Files\Phase One\C1.20" Z:\C1\ 1> nul 2> nul

REM start C1 if it is not already running, TIMEOUT as need based on PC performance, I think 5 is just a safer value and it does not bother me as it is used just for the first C1 start
REM note - if you did run C1 & close it already after rebooting it will open with the prev raw file - no worries
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq CaptureOne.exe"') DO IF %%x == CaptureOne.exe goto C1RUNNING
start "C1" /B /D"C:\Program Files\Phase One\Capture One 20\" CaptureOne.exe
TIMEOUT 5  1> nul 2> nul

REM OK, now do the trick with links & folders
IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1" mkdir "Z:%~p1" 1> nul 2> nul
IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Cache" mkdir "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Cache" 1> nul 2> nul
IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1%~nx1" mklink "Z:%~p1%~nx1" %1 1> nul 2> nul
IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Settings130" mklink /D "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Settings130" "%~dp1" 1> nul 2> nul
IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1OUT" mklink /D "Z:%~p1OUT" "%~dp1" 1> nul 2> nul

REM now we are ready to pass a raw file to C1 process
start "C1" /B /D"C:\Program Files\Phase One\Capture One 20\" CaptureOne.exe "Z:%~p1%~nx1"

IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Cache\Proxies\%~nx1.cof" GOTO LOOP1
IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Cache\Proxies\%~nx1.cop" GOTO LOOP2

REM well sometimes you need to do it again :-), don't ask me why
start "C1" /B /D"C:\Program Files\Phase One\Capture One 20\" CaptureOne.exe "Z:%~p1%~nx1"
TIMEOUT 1  1> nul 2> nul

REM make sure C1 window is on top & maximized
"C:\Program Files\Phase One\Capture One 12\nircmd.exe" win activate process "CaptureOne.exe" 
"C:\Program Files\Phase One\Capture One 12\nircmd.exe" win max process "CaptureOne.exe" 


PS: nircmd - from


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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2019, 09:45:27 am »


Thank you for the suggestion.

As it happened, I was barely able to figure out that my initial flip of the coin to try starting with Catalogs had precluded me from seeing the UI with a Sessions view.

I doubt I can figure out how to use the scripting you have provided without further instruction.



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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2019, 10:43:59 am »

As a Mac user, I will not try to add to the confusion but will suggest that you look at Capture One’s YouTube channel. You will find tutorials from the most basic to complex techniques and start where you’re comfortable.

I keep all RAW files in sessions and copy them to my backup system, I find it to be very simple when I need an image. When importing from a card, I will use Apple’s Image Capture and direct it to import to Capture One’s Capture folder. You can apply your adjustments, star rating and the folder is good to save.


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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2019, 11:02:06 am »

Thank you.

The answers provided here have allowed me to work comfortably and to concentrate on reviewing the RAW conversion process which is the feature I am most interested in.

Thank you.


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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2019, 06:08:48 am »

You should spend some time watching the excellent Capture One Pro tutorials on YouTube and the website.

Bud James

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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2019, 07:14:07 am »

I just tested the new C1 v20 and compared the raw output with that from LR..
The Raw output of C1  is good but not better than LR. In some cases there is a nice difference i can use.
For me the UI of LR works faster - i like the workflow better...( i do not use the Damm)



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Re: Still can't figure out the basics of opening a raw file in Capture One
« Reply #19 on: December 29, 2019, 06:10:23 am »

I just tested the new C1 v20 and compared the raw output with that from LR..
The Raw output of C1  is good but not better than LR. In some cases there is a nice difference i can use.
For me the UI of LR works faster - i like the workflow better...( i do not use the Damm)

I used LR from V1-6 and it is natural to like what you are used to. The scenario is quite common, you import a couple of images into new software, pull a few slider swith names you recognise (even though they may not do the same thing), and then go meh!  I know that is what I have done in the past.:-)

With new software you have to recognise that it is not LR (or whatever you are using). C1 has a different philosophy to LR and is much closer to PS.  The guy who developed lR approached it with a "anything but PS mind set".  You can see this in the crop tool for LR which works the opposite way to every other image editor :?-)

C1 also contains tools which are not in LR and if you don't use them then you are restricting C1 to LR limitations.  These extra tools allow you to work in ways that you can't do in LR and you need to know about them and use them to do a fair comparison.

Some of the differences between C1 and LR are:
C1 has levels, different forms of clarity, a Luma curve which means that you can alter tone without impacting colours as happens with normal tone adjustments, the saturation slider in the exposure tab works like vibrance in LR in the positive direction and a normal saturation slider in the negative direction, the Advanced Colour Editor is a superb tool (you can make masks from colour selections) and also contains the skin tab for equalising skin (or other colours) tones, and you have the option to work in catalogues (similar to LR0 or sessions which means that you don't have to go through an import procedure; these are some of the differences.

Then there is the fact that the UI is completely customisable which is a big productivity enhancement as you can have the tools where and when you want them.  This also allows you to, for example, pull out the curves panel and enlarge it when you want to make careful tone adjustments similar to PS.

Then there is the way in which C1 implements local adjustments.  C1 uses layers instead of the brush and pin LR UI.  Using layers is much more effective.  Layers can be named, turned on/off and their opacity varied.  This speeds up editing because if you set the initial layer opacity at 70%, then make several adjustments to various controls you can simply use the opacity slider to vary the impact of these adjustments to fine tune the edit. Inherent with local adjustments is the ability to create masks and again in C1 you have brush, gradient and Luma masks that can be combined with colour masks to give you fine control over selections.  Masks can also be refined and feathered similarly to PS as well as inverted which gives you another level of control.

LR is great software and can do things that C1 can't like hdr and panos and the dam is superior.  However if image editing is your primary concern it might be worth taking a second look to see if the features you may not be aware of might have an influence.

Couple of videos explain some of the features:
Colour Grading

Colour Editor MasterClass

Layers Masterclass

Levels in C1Pro

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