Trump is the future? The older the better? Old cynical men reign
When Biden was in the White House with Obama, we had anemic growth due to the same regulations and taxes he wants to put back in place. China was getting away with murder, and everyone, on the right and left, nows feels they are a threat and need to be dealt with, except of course Biden. He constantly calls them our friend. Plus, he has been wrong on every single foreign policy decision, even advising Obama to stand down on the Bin Laden raid solely because it could cost them the election. Nothing says protector and chief like, hey we cant get the #1 terrorist on the planet because it could effect my re-election. He supports the fairy tail of the Green New Deal without even suggesting nuclear as an option, which means he will shut down our energy sector and lead us back to being dependent on the Middle East.
He has no qualms about this either. In a debate, to whether or not he would be okay destroying 100,000s of jobs in the energy sector, he said, "the answer is yes." He then later told coal miners that they better learn how to program. Think of the great campaign commercials these comments will make.
He constantly touts his civil rights experience, but even the NYTs has reports that nearly everything he boast about is false and the remaining events he claims he was at, there exist no documentation he was even there. Another great set of commercials right here, Biden lying about his civil rights experience, which Trump will use.
So yes, Biden is stuck in the last decade.