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Author Topic: Impeaching Donald Trump  (Read 175209 times)

Slobodan Blagojevic

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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3120 on: January 17, 2020, 04:45:27 pm »


Alan Klein

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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3121 on: January 17, 2020, 11:22:07 pm »

At the end of the day, all of this stuff is already baked into the cake with public opinion.  What happens here on out with Trump is not going to matter unless some crazy bombshell comes along. 

What is more important is watching the implosion of the Democratic party, at least with regards to the primary.  Man, talk about seriously weak candidates, and now Warren, along with CNN, decides to send the Dems down the path they went in 2016.  Namely pissing off the Bernie bros so much that they may just sit out the election or vote for Trump.  And if you think Biden really has the capacity to bet Trump, ask yourself this, have you ever met a Biden fan?  I've met Trump fans, Bernie fans, Warren fans, even Buttigieg fans, but I have never actually met a Biden fan.  I've met people who say we must vote for Biden since he is the only one who can, supposedly, beat Trump, but none of them rise to fan level.  Not to mention his debate performance are just horrible; can anyone really figure out what he was saying last night? 

Former Obama campaign manager and liberal political commentator Van Jones on last nights performance, "there was nothing I saw tonight that would be able to take Donald Trump out!"

If impeachments keeps your mind off of the Dem's current best and brightest, then enjoy.  I'm going sit back and watch the primaries.  Ido have to wonder though how long it will be until Warren and Bernie start publicly requesting a short trial, since it is going to keep them off of the campaign.  Perhaps Bloomberg will start making inroads with those two stuck in DC. 

Wouldn't that be great, the party of billionaire haters winds up with two viable billionaire candidates.  Oh the irony. 

Last, but not least, let's not forgot we now have a #DemsSoWhite controversy.  Those whom start radical revolutions evidentially become victims of it. 
My friends who don;t like TRump say they would vote for Biden as they thing Buttigieg, Warren and Sanders are too outside the mainstream. I didn't ask them how excited they were about Biden, but I will.  I think there may be a closed convention where a current runner will not get a majority winner during the primaries.  That will allow the Democrat inside power brokers to select who they want.  So someone in the background now could wind up their nominee. 


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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3122 on: January 17, 2020, 11:24:24 pm »

My friends who don;t like TRump say they would vote for Biden as they thing Buttigieg, Warren and Sanders are too outside the mainstream. I didn't ask them how excited they were about Biden, but I will.  I think there may be a closed convention where a current runner will not get a majority winner during the primaries.  That will allow the Democrat inside power brokers to select who they want.  So someone in the background now could wind up their nominee.


Alan Klein

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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3123 on: January 17, 2020, 11:27:28 pm »


Maybe.  He's really spreading his money around to other Democratic candidates in other races. Not that I'm saying he's buying their loyalty, of course.  That might be impeachable.  But who's watching.  Everyone is watching the Trump impeachment.  Now you see it, now you don;t.  :)

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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3124 on: January 17, 2020, 11:32:16 pm »

Oh, please!!!

Concussion, schmoncussion. Nobody died, nobody is left without a limb. CNN was delighted to report that first (or at least I saw it there first). They must have been deeply disappointed, however, that the report didn't have any dead or seriously injured. They were sooo looking forward to have something negative to report about Trump. Concussion is something that happens when your drunken head hits the table. Or you play (American) football.
So Trump acts sanely to prevent expanding an argument into a war.  So now all the crazies in the media and elsewhere are disappointed that he standed down without flying off the handle.  One wonders who the crazies really are.  Where are all those psychologists and psychiatrists when you really need them? 

James Clark

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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3125 on: January 18, 2020, 12:20:34 am »

So now all the crazies in the media and elsewhere are disappointed that he standed down without flying off the handle. 

Show me a single example of this. 

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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3126 on: January 18, 2020, 12:26:16 am »

Show me a single example of this. 

Let me put it another way.  How many of the anti-Trump media have written about Trumps' cool, calm and insightful handling of this whole situation.  They all jumped on how he nearly started WWIII when he killed the terrorist.  Then they said nothing or very little how he so adroitly handed the counter attack, despite there being some injuries to American troops.  No matter what he does, he's wrong, crazy, insane, erratic, etc. 


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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3127 on: January 18, 2020, 01:04:54 am »

I'm not sure if he stayed cool. His employees reported repeatedly than he has exploded when confronted with less important matters.
Maybe he was just paralyzed and couldn't make a decision. Which worked out OK this time.
BTW, he didn't mentioned any injuries on Jan 8, just that "All Is Well".
And the official reports informed us that the Iranians purposely let the missiles fall where they wouldn't inflict any damage. Basically they were "standing down".

Alan Klein

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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3128 on: January 18, 2020, 08:06:43 am »

I'm not sure if he stayed cool. His employees reported repeatedly than he has exploded when confronted with less important matters.
Maybe he was just paralyzed and couldn't make a decision. Which worked out OK this time.
BTW, he didn't mentioned any injuries on Jan 8, just that "All Is Well".
And the official reports informed us that the Iranians purposely let the missiles fall where they wouldn't inflict any damage. Basically they were "standing down".
So both sides "blinked" to avoid a war.  Isn't that rationale?  To cool it down a little.  Does America need another Iraq, only worse?  How about a little credit for acting sanely.  Maybe the psychiatrists are all wrong and it's just politics. 


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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3129 on: January 18, 2020, 08:11:28 am »

Amazing how upset some people are that we did not go war with Iran. 
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Slobodan Blagojevic

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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3130 on: January 18, 2020, 08:29:29 am »

Show me a single example of this. 

The very fact that they are quiet, i.e., ignoring the issue, as opposed to WWIII hysterics.


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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3131 on: January 18, 2020, 09:41:13 am »

So both sides "blinked" to avoid a war.  Isn't that rationale?  To cool it down a little.  Does America need another Iraq, only worse?  How about a little credit for acting sanely.  Maybe the psychiatrists are all wrong and it's just politics.

I didn't get the reading that both sides cooled down.
First, we heard Trump threatening Iran with military attacks on their cultural sites (if that meant anything for the religious fanatics and it was totally unnecessary, irresponsible and inflammatory statement), then Iran trying their best to inflict serious damage to US bases, which was first minimized by Trump, followed a week later by admission of material and physical injuries, subsequent praise of those missiles attacks by Khameni, promising additional retaliatory actions, and Trump's tweets in Farsi encouraging the protesters in Teheran. It may indeed take a psychiatrist to figure it all out.

James Clark

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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3132 on: January 18, 2020, 11:07:25 am »

How about a little credit for acting sanely.

Ladies and gentlemen, the bar that the president of the United States is expected to be lauded for clearing.  ;)

James Clark

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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3133 on: January 18, 2020, 11:08:28 am »

Amazing how upset some people are that we did not go war with Iran.

Same question to you - show me one example.  (OK two - I'll give you Bolton.)


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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3134 on: January 18, 2020, 11:32:24 am »

Oh, please!!!

Concussion, schmoncussion. Nobody died, nobody is left without a limb. CNN was delighted to report that first (or at least I saw it there first). They must have been deeply disappointed, however, that the report didn't have any dead or seriously injured. They were sooo looking forward to have something negative to report about Trump. Concussion is something that happens when your drunken head hits the table. Or you play (American) football.

I don't see how these concussions reflect badly on Trump. In any case, "negative things" about Trump fall from the sky like leaves in autumn.


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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3135 on: January 18, 2020, 11:37:33 am »

In any case, "negative things" about Trump fall from the sky like leaves in autumn.

Only for those who hate trump passionately, Peter. And you're going to have four more years to hate Trump with passion. You're also gonna be able to hate the fact that the entire government is Republican. The Dems just can't get off the trigger and stop shooting themselves in the foot.
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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3136 on: January 18, 2020, 11:49:21 am »

Let me put it another way.  How many of the anti-Trump media have written about Trumps' cool, calm and insightful handling of this whole situation.  They all jumped on how he nearly started WWIII when he killed the terrorist.  Then they said nothing or very little how he so adroitly handed the counter attack, despite there being some injuries to American troops.  No matter what he does, he's wrong, crazy, insane, erratic, etc.

A president does not get credit for acting "cool, calm and insightful" (although that's debatable in this situation) once in a while. No more than a surgeon gets credit for having operations work out once in a while.

And let me point out that there is essentially no "anti-Trump media." There is, how ever, "anti wretched president" media. And right now, that's the bone spur boy.


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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3137 on: January 18, 2020, 12:17:32 pm »

Only for those who hate trump passionately, Peter. And you're going to have four more years to hate Trump with passion. You're also gonna be able to hate the fact that the entire government is Republican. The Dems just can't get off the trigger and stop shooting themselves in the foot.

Russ : facts = oil : water

Craig Lamson

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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3138 on: January 18, 2020, 01:13:53 pm »

And let me point out that there is essentially no "anti-Trump media."

Boy you've not watched CNN (or MSMBC) lately, have you?
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Re: Impeaching Donald Trump
« Reply #3139 on: January 18, 2020, 01:29:18 pm »

Same question to you - show me one example.  (OK two - I'll give you Bolton.)

I kind of meant it in jest directed at some people here.  Dont worry, I understand that nearly everyone on the left has lost their sense of humor, so I wont hold it against you.   

But anyway, how about the entire mainstream news media just saying non-stop for the first day or say that this was the start of WWIII, and then completely dropping the subject like Slobo stated.  They did not even bother to report about how the day after the funeral young Iranians were chanting death to the Ayatollah and refused to walk over the USA and Israel flag.

The whole thing fell flat for the Dems and you can tell they know it because they moved right back to impeachment. 

But not only that, they are now calling for a witness to testify who is currently out on bail from a federal indictment for lying and falsify documents, and CNN is cheering him up as one of the most truthful people out there.  LOL, it really is becoming a comedy. 
« Last Edit: January 18, 2020, 01:33:01 pm by JoeKitchen »
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