I’m just learning Photoshop and trying to integrate it into my Capture One workflow as efficiently as possible. I’m already running into specific issues. I would appreciate any advice on my specific questions as well as general advice.
I start from the assumption that, once I bake a raw file out to a TIFF (even 16-bit), I throw away so much power to manipulate the file. So I’d to do as much in Capture One as possible.
My first issue is that Photoshop doesn’t regenerate healing brush corrections if I swap the underlying background image. For example, I processed an image in Capture One, edited with Photoshop, saved it as a PSD, then later decided to reprocess the RAW in Capture One. I then replaced the background image in Photoshop with the newer version (exported as a TIF, opened it in Photoshop, selected it all with Command + A, and pasted it into a new background layer, hiding the old one). Unfortunately, the healing brush corrections I previously made don’t resample from the new background, so they now don’t match the scene and are highly visible. Is there a way to get Photoshop to resample all those healing brush corrections when you replace the background? (Repeating the healing brush corrections from scratch would be time-consuming, because each heal used a different source point, and there are many dozens.)
Second, and more generally, once I do some work to an image in Photoshop, how do I preserve the flexibility of doing further work on the IIQ file in Capture One and bringing that back into Photoshop without having to repeat all my previous Photoshop work? I’ll often come back to an image months after my original edit and decide I want to process it differently. I’d rather do that in Capture One where I have all the power of the IIQ. But I don’t want to have to repeat all my Photoshop work at that time.
Thank you!