My Dongle has a license for ProfileMaker Pro and i1P Publish. IOW, depending on how you were taken care of by X-rite/GMB, your dongle can have either, both, and the extent of the features again depends on the licensing in the dongle. You can upgrade and update the dongle too.
The dongle needs software to run. Without it, it doesn't light up and it doesn't work. That's the HASP driver shown earlier** that the Mac OS tells us isn't compatible with the next major OS. This is what needs to be updated. OR X-rite needs to come up with an actual software licensing schema. The X-rite software is now 64-bit, but it will continue to run in demo on the next Mac OS unless they get HASP to update the dongle drivers which is kind of questionable.
** September 09, 2019, 04:01:14 pm »