That "evidence" film was a joke; some of you are supposed to be photographers who understand these things: go look at the angles of the shots, and if they come from a satellite, then for some angles on the action it must have a clear view from the horizon, not above, or be an invisible, silent drone. I see little, if any, signs of flattened perspective such as distance would force.
(Even more unconvincing than the Moon, where I find myself wondering who shot the shot of the first footfall fom that angle, which kinds shows it to be, in fact, at least the second such step onto the surface. ;-) )
As evidence of anything, it's evidence of poor photography. Or good photography designed to look stolen.
Trump can't go to war; it's his election pledge to bring the troop's back home. You know he keeps his promises.
But look at it this way: after he retires, like all the egos who seek such power, he and family will forever have to forgo privacy and endure the proximity of security agents. Long live anonymity!