Eh? Slobo says that getting foreign doctors is due to poor planning. Is he getting it wrong, again?
I said poor paying, not poor planning (though that probably too).
Two possible explanations:
1. My own team scored an autogol (own goal). I'll have to bench Alan and Russ for the next couple of games, it seems.
2. America is a land of immigrants, so it stands to reason that some of them will be doctors. We also educate a lot of foreign students, some of them will stay as doctors as well. We do not have many foreign nurses, though. Doctors are highly paid here, probably the highest in the world, and that attracts immigrants. America is also known to attract the best talent from the rest of the world. The hurdle to get American medical recertification is extremely hard and takes a long time, only the best will get through. Those who fail, end up in Britain, I guess.