Together with Café Florian?
But in all honesty I've no interest in visiting the fashionable, obvious and extortionate.
For the experience, I'd rather spend some hours in the Café de Flore in Paris with the ghosts of my old favourites including Jeanloup Sieff!
Of those moments I enjoyed with Ann, sitting in an outdoor bar of the Carlton in Cannes, she with her Campari Soda in hand, and I with my G&T, watching a helicopter negotiate its business on a yacht in the bay was about as unreal as it gets. I asked the PR manager of that hotel if we could shoot some images on the property; he asked for which client, and when told it was for a beer company, he ever so nicely refused, saying the images would clash... ironically, however, we got our petty revenge by sitting out in the bay on a Riva, shooting our model and a can of the stuff with the entire hotel visible in the background.
That's partly what I meant with my pro and personal photography being the same buzz.