Early autumn colours around the cemetery at Chion-in temple, Higashiyama, Kyoto.A7r3 with 24-70/2.8 GM at 35mm, f/8, 1/80s ISO 100.Difficult to process well for web, since sRGB hates greens and cyans.
Only if they are Sony greens and cyans. ;-)It does bring up the question of processing though, the image seems to lack contrast overall and exhibits slightly oversaturated shadowtones. In addition, while this may be completely void of lens defects i wonder whether a bit of vignetting would actually help the composition get some depth. maybe we could ask Dave to send you his Battis.
Have you tried to softproof using sRGB as the profile?
Interestingly, the image does not seem to have a profile attached. Is this correct/intentional?