Fair enough, Rob, but... you can run out of cards, or film in the old days, too, and then the photography has to stop just as well.
Bear in mind the capacity of the built-in memory: 512 Gb. That’s ginormous. Equivalent to 6,800 RAW images, 50,000 jpegs (!). Or 188 film rolls (36 exposures) if you shoot negatives, or 1,388 Kodachrome rolls. Have you ever brought even 188 rolls of film with you for a shoot? How many hours that hand inspection at the airport would take? 
Good numerical points, but I
never ran out of film; one was always prepared. My argument would then step to the next level: so much riding on one memory? ;-)
Hand searches gave me a smile: in '79 I did my first Tennent's Lager calendar (for '80) in Mallorca. The security guys refused my hand-search request and indicated the sign saying the scanner was film-safe. I tried to explain the differences in film quality expectations but it meant nothing to them. In the end, one of the guys just picked up the whole film bag and pushed it into the machine... force majeure with a 9mm? The upshot was that some of my Kodachrome 64 pro films ended up with interesting khaki-coloured skin. Fortunately, the client watched the entire exchange of words, and enough material survived to enable the calendar without a reshoot, which for a first job with them, would probably have meant curtains.
But here's the thing: that was 1979, and I swore I'd never visit that cursed isle again. Less than two years later we were living there. Go figure; you can't: the island is magical. I think it's something deep within the mountains... On the other hand, I shot several jobs on Ibiza and couldn't wait to get off the bloody rock. Today, it would have been a far better bet for me, subject-wise, except for heath: when my wife was having her five-days-a-week radiotherapy in Palma, we used to chat with a German lady having the same treatment: she had to fly in from Ibiza every day for that treatment.
A link to a German fashion guy who lives there:
http://www.chicobialas.com/Here's one I posted before, but can't get out of my mind. I wonder how many intrepid landscape photographers, used to carrying a ton of gear across their shoulder (like a honky-tonk woman), could survive a whole minute of this stuff at the same speed?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFWDGTVYqE8I think I finally figured out the technique of doing a moon walk, but am forever to be defeated by the minor problems of coordination, strength and translation into rhythm. Maybe a workshop would have helped me develop timing and musical talent... right.