All of these type of comments are what I've grown to expect at Lula over the years. The entrenched Illuminati, or in the case of some, our valued community members that some Lulaettes consider to be unsanctioned gate keepers.
At any rate I don't post photos here on Lula (and no longer on any other sites), however without further comments from me you can see some of my work here:
Google Plus for My PhotosGoogle is going to pull it down though I'm not sure when --
Google+ that is. Google Plus is going away. You can also find a photo of my ugly puss there so be warned, some of you may turn into a pillar of salt.
I now focus on print making and participating in local and online print exchanges and no longer post online since photographic print syntax
is lost with web images - at least IMO. I have made friends with folks I have never met, here in the states and internationally, through picture exchanges. These prints include ink jet and traditional analog depending on the type of exchange.
"Old figs" aka "Moldy figs".
Jazz Wiki.