As a couple who have lived most of their lives living hand to mouth I'm sure we would risk a taste-bypass in exchange for extreme wealth.
Hand-to-mouth is, after all, a relative experience.
My hand-to-mouth is another's heaven, but yet another's suicide call.
I sort of guestimate that after the first forty million squids one can become content, complacent, even. And possibly, therein the danger of losing the lot.
They used to say that he who dies with the most toys wins, but that was a very '80s thing, and paid no heed to the sense of responsibility those goddam toys bring after the unwrapping. Today, post-2008, I think folks have a different take, and possibly think of high numbers in terms of survival insurance rather than acquisitions.
I had a business friend who was always looking for expansion. He ended up losing most of what he had, wife included, for nothing more than, on the one hand, chasing his long-gone youth and, on the other, dreams of even more wealth than he had amassed already.
Lucky the guy who finds his level and has enough squirreled away to make it last his lifetime.