Russ the guy refers to a few paintings and photos that have "touched" him. But then he goes on to say he can't explain what it was that touched him. Apparently he can't communicate what makes the image communicate to him. Maybe you can explain it in your own words. I'm not trying to be picky. What does it mean when you say the photo communicates?
are my words, Alan. All of 'em. You obviously didn't read the header with my copyright notice. I'm "the guy."
From your reaction I conclude that by "communication" you mean a definition: something spelled out in detail. That's one kind of communication, but the other kind of communication -- the non-verbal kind that grabs you and gives you a shake -- is a lot more important than the definitive kind, and it's art in its greatest glory. It doesn't require "explanation." Real art never requires explanation.
Try this stanza, from Dylan Thomas's "Do not go gentle into that good night":
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
From the standpoint of definitive explication, that stanza is gibberish, as is the rest of the poem, but if you stop trying to "understand" it and simply let it penetrate your spirit, you receive a kind of communication you never can receive from explication. That's Art, with a capital A.