Maybe the landscape doesn't seem so special if you see it every day? There's a bloke who has lived his whole life in the village and has never been up the fells or over into Buttermere.
When we first moved to Skye seven years ago, after a few weeks of settling in I ended up having a chat with our new neighbour over the garden fence sort of thing. So what are you hoping to do up here she asked me and I hear you are a painter and a famous artist? Well no actually I am neither of those things, as unfortunatley I can't paint for toffee I said, but I am a landscape photographer and so we are going to run a B&B for landscape photographers and I might do some gallery shows and sales and also run a dozen or so workshops a year, so if you know any secret out of the way places that you could point me to that are beautiful and that no one else knows about, I would be eternally grateful I asked her. Oh I have never been into the island she told me shaking her head as though I must be out of my mind. But you were born here and have lived here all your life haven't you? Oh yes she said, but I have never felt the need to go into the island, it's all single track roads and pot holes in there. So where do you like to go I asked her? Blackpool came the reply and we go as often as we can, several times a year in fact if we can afford it, it's really good there you know, have you ever been?...
So I suppose if amazing scenery is there every day as the backdrop to your life, you don't really see it anymore and in fact probably only ever want to see the complete opposite of it..
This is all true by the way and I have had quite a few similar conversations over the years with the locals and which I actually find quite charming.