Its been awhile since I've posted here, but just updated/deployed my website yesterday.
When you have a moment take a look and let me know your thoughts and if you see any issues.
..... it took 4 iterations and 8 years to finally get it (the website and work) to the point that I'm happy with it......
Thanks ahead of time!!
I like the design and the fact that the arrow keys work as I'd expect.
The images are a little smaller than I'd prefer. I'm not really convinced that a large black space below the word "Menu", which is filled by the dropdown, is truly a good idea: why not just have the links visible all the time?
One minor bug: if you move into the area below "Menu" so that the menu appears, then click on a selection, the dropdown disappears (consistent) but won't reappear on hover only until the mouse has been moved out of the area underneath "Menu" and back again, even though the word "Menu" highlights on mouse-over.
The images are as spectacular as I'd expect from you, of course, particularly the amazing storms.