I weighed the cartridges. I use the "print as B&W" option, so any toning is implicit to that mode.
I don't understand what the expression "implicit to that mode" means. If you simply mean that when you make toned B&W prints, CMYRB inks are used to do the toning, that is correct. But that isn't maintenance, it's printing.
From your weighing of the cartridges I have a question: (1) how many grams ink in aggregate did you see being sacrificed to what probable strength of cleaning? By probable strength of cleaning, it could be lighter or heavier depending on the circumstances in which it was triggered, such as volume of work done before the next maintenance and time between printing sessions. We don't know for sure because all that is controlled under the hood by algorithms and sensors, so this is unfortunately judgmental to us users, but the number of grams ink used is more discernible as you've done. Did you do this exercise once, or did you repeat it several times and if yes, were the results consistent?