Have you, by any chance, compared the 100mp LCC performance in Capture One 9 to that found in Phocus for the Hassy 100mp back?
Capture One 9's LCC for 100mp was best-in-class. It was not broken. In version 10 it is even better. v10 is available for free to use with Phase files; you're opting to pay for it because you want to use it with non-Phase files. If this was really a big problem/insult for you then you should talk to your Phase One dealer and I'm sure they can figure something out for you.
Well Doug, the dealers in their puffery for v10 list the fixing of LCC for wide Tech lenses (Roddy32, for example) as one of the 'features' of this upgrade. I am a tech shooter, who stitches, so, yes, I found it 'broken' - and many dealers concur for wide tech lenses, though they wouldn't say so in print. The fact that Phocus might be worse is neither here nor there.
No, I was not '
opting to pay for it because you want to use it with non-Phase files' I was
having to pay for it to get the LCC fix,
and be able to carry on processing my other camera RAWs - Canon, Sony, - for which I was very happy in the v9Pro that I had bought. (as above it is hard to install/operate both v9Pro and v10DB on 1 computer). Most of the other new features are of no use to me - output sharpening? No thanks, I don't print from C1.
Personally I think Phase should just go over to the subscription model - it's what they are effectively doing, anyway.
I'm flogging a dead horse here, so this will be my last reply. Thanks all for letting me vent on this. Over and out!