The ColorChecker RGB values differ between different RGBs.
In LR I can choose to display the Colour in Lab values, which I prefer to RGB values. I don't know if this is possible Capture One. That said, Lab is dependent on illuminant AFAIK.
Another option is to download a synthetic colour checker in a known RGB and open it in Capture One. From that image the RGB values for each reference field can be read out.
I see a problem with Capture One's colour handling being quite arbitrary and not at all documented. Capture One uses ICC but it's deployment is not well specified. Adobe's DNG profiles on the other hand are a quite comprehensive recipe for raw conversion and well documented.
Using good DNG or ICC profiles, colour conversion should be quite good for continuous spectra, even I don't know how C1 handles different illuminants. For complex illuminants a specific conversion profile is needed. For DNG, there are a couple of free tools, like Adobe's DNG Profile editor or the Color Checker Passport software.
Anders Torger, a frequent poster here has developed another tool called DCamProf that is much more flexible than the commercial tools but needs to be used at the command line. Anders has found out and resolved some intricacies in both C1's handling of ICC and Adobe's colour processing engine.
Anders Torger's approach is to develop a colour profile that leads to a correct colour rendition on which a "look" can be applied. A look would apply very subtle colour changes, to tweak colour rendition for it's intended purpose.
Best regards
Another problem I have (related though not strictly relevant here) is that if I Pick a Colour Sample using the color picker in either the Basic or Advanced Color Editors, the RGB values in the Color Editor dialog are completely different from those above the image at the top of the screen.
This happens no matter how many selections I make from, say, a patch on a Gretag Color Checker.
I'm Windows 10. It would be interesting to know if others have the same problem.
So, which values are correct?