The credit card processor we use asks for the address as a means of further verification if needed.
That's kind of a given, so when I saw no PayPal option and realized I'd have to pay with CC, my first impulse was to go back and fill in street address that I left empty -- but there was no Back button! Can't say I panicked :-), but, look, you have to have Back button there.
Another piece of feedback: you have one of the nastiest CAPTCHAs out there. Not only it is unintelligible, but each time I request another image, I get back to the page top.
Other than that, well, it went quite smoothly, I'm in.
I wish you guys every success. I for one totally understand the move; just recently donated $50 (hint to Kevin et. al.: you should have charged more!) to a brilliant youtuber, despite having quite an audience, gave up all hope to earn ad money and had to run donation campaign... So yeah, everyone who wasn't living in a cave for a few recent years knows ad money dry up.
In fact, I fully expect more and more of this type of changes. And it will be really interesting to see how some sites living off pure controversy and shots from the hip will accommodate... LL is, to me, a very nice mix of knowledge and entertainment that... Heck, I can't even say it was great deal or something; I felt like I *owed* this site. I discovered LL pretty soon after it was created, and by the time of Canon 10D articles became a regular reader.
Besides, at least once I listened to Michael, even though he was in disagreement with popular opinion, and bought 70-300 DO (that was being heavily trashed for "dreamy look" and other crimes against humanity). Which I was then able to take with my on great many trips, whereas a bigger lens would stay at home... So, Michael, if you are reading this, thanks again.
There's a whole lot more to say, like give this site very clear development directions, patiently explain whose articles should not be published, give list of forum members that have to be handed life bans etc. etc., but I guess what I already wrote is enough for the very first post. ;-)