Here is one plausible explanation of what is going on:
They predict it could only a few decades left for us.
Interesting article, Petrus. I'm sure that climate-change alarmists will find fuel in that study to support their opinions, because of the conclusions that over-exploitation of natural resources, (in combination with economic stratification or economic inequality), might be the cause of the eventual collapse of our civilization, unless we take effective action to avoid it.
However, when reading this study, I was reminded of the following article I read some time ago in which the author calculated that solar panels alone, if they were to cover the entire, uninhabited part of the Sahara Desert, could provide 46 times the amount of energy the world currently consumes.
Of course, some of that energy would be lost during transmission over long distances, although current HVDC lines have a very low transmission loss. Also, for security reasons it wouldn't be wise to concentrated all the world's power sources in one location. The point is, just a small fraction of the uninhabited area of the Sahara Desert would be sufficient to provide our current energy needs. There are many deserts on the planet, and large areas of arid and sparsely populated land, including vacant roof areas on millions of buildings.
As solar technology improves we could theoretically produce hundreds of times the amount of energy we currently use, and in a sustainable and affordable manner.
Since energy supplies are directly related to the average material wealth of all of us, (nothing can be produced without expenditure of energy), the future is very bright. Every person on the planet could (theoretically and technically) become a millionaire, if we apply the latest, innovative technology.
We are limited only by our energy supplies and our imagination. Energy from the sun is huge. Unfortunately, our imagination might be lacking. "the unpopulated area of the Sahara desert is over 9 million km², which if covered with solar panels would provide 630 terawatts total power. The Earth's current energy consumption rate is around 13.5 TW at any given moment (including oil, gas, coal, nuclear, and hydroelectric). This measure arrives at a multiplier of 46 times the area needed (to provide all the current energy demands of the entire human race)."