DCamProf uses a 2.5D LUT, this means that regardless of lightness the same correction is applied. This means that there is no exposure-dependent hue-shift in the profile. In very rigid copy-style setups with known objects to shoot a 3D LUT can be better (this is disussed in the docs), but in all other cases a 2.5D LUT is wiser. Adobe uses 3D LUT "LookTable" in most their profiles but that is to create a subjective Adobe-look(tm) which is a different thing.
There are other sources of non-linearities and hue shifts though, S-contrast curve, desaturation of highlights to mimic film behavior etc.
DCamProf's LUT nodes are the patches, after patches with (almost) the same chromaticity has been grouped together, and then depending on weighting those nodes can be relaxed towards neutral to minimize stretch/compression/bend. You can plot the LUT using gnuplot and adjust weights as desired.
By setting grouping distance to zero (-d 0) you can get the LUT correct each patch spot on, but that can lead to crazy bends, and as same color can be represented by different spectra (and will produce different errors) it does not really make sense to get spot on.
Any fairly recent camera has overlapping filters and is relatively good at color separation. There are still minimas where they don't separate too well, but if that happens to be in one of your patches I don't really see how that would be a problem. The LUT will then make an average correction for that general group of colors.
It is a problem if the LUT makes extreme stretches, but if that happens then something is generally very wrong, bad lighting of test target, bad reading of test target, bad reference file etc.