I got a DCP profile foe my P45+ from Anders Torger that was based on test shot I made earlier. What I found is that the profile is pretty accurate, probably better than any of my profiles. BUT it needs a different WB setting in Lightroom. Setting WB on a ColorChecker gives a different WB with the DCamProf profile than with Adobe Standard Profile. Once WB is set correctly, the profile is very accurate.
here is a purely matrix (
single illuminant) profile (no LUTs) made from IT8 target (
not individually measured), illuminated by halogen (
no 80A filter on light or lens),
w/o flatfielding (light was quite uneven), applied quickly in ACR (process 2010), with a raw containing
a different target (not IT8, but colorchecker SG),
w/o again measurements for that one and raw with ColorChecker SG was from imaging-resource where the light is naturally
uneven on target and light was ~5xxxK something (not 2800-3000K halogen for IT8)... so a lot of handicaps here, still :

PS: I was told (by IBorg) that if errors are noticeable (say more than 2dE-whatever) it is more fair to use dE94, not dE2000... dE2000 makes your results better than they are (numbers-wise)
here is dE2000 which makes things better looking

and visually - again, profile made off one target (IT8) applied to a totally different target (ColorCheckerSG) :