Nikon has already played a remarkable card with their 58mm f1.4 (imho best bokeh with the Canon 85mm f1.2 of anything shorter than the Nikon 200mm f2.0) and they are likely to release soon their new 135mm f2.0. I would expect Sato san to have led that project too. He will probably have focused on look instead of emotionless technical perfection.
Going off topic a bit here, but Sato doesn't generally do the tele's. The patents I've seen for the rumored 135 Nikkor have (If I recall correctly) Tomoki Ito's name on them. He's got a good history with the teles. IMO what's needed in the 135 length is something with decent bokeh as well as the technicals; while I love my Zeiss apo sonnar 135, I seriously need a very high quality autofocus 135mm lens and Nikons current offerings do not meet my standards on the 800E. It will be interesting to see who gets there first: Sigma with their art series or Nikon. Sadly, I'm betting Sigma...
Now, so I don't remain completely off topic, my thoughts on the Canon thing are simply that while I'm a bit amazed they have not yet come out with a D800/D800e/D810 competitor, that they will. Canon has quietly building some very nice lenses lately (the 24-70 II, the new 16-35) so they'll have some things that are ready. But IMO the reality is that in the 135 frame size, I think the gains by resolution much above where we are now are going to be splitting hairs and other than the fanboy competition of "I have xx megapixel and you only have yy megapixel" nonsense, I think it's going to take a new technology (Foveon like change in sensor, etc) from the big players to move into the next neighborhood of quality. But I think Canon will eventually get to a higher mp / cleaner shadow sensor fairly soon, and they'll probably be "ahead" of Nikon in the numbers race for a few years. Always seems to go back and forth when you look at things across a wider timeframe with those two players.
Sorry for the thread hijack, just wanted to stick that in there