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Author Topic: Phase One / Mamiya DF+ and Schneider 28mm LS  (Read 12936 times)


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Re: Phase One / Mamiya DF+ and Schneider 28mm LS
« Reply #40 on: September 19, 2012, 06:46:24 pm »

I just don't get it....!  I don't....

Photoki...?  Wha...?  Who cares...? 

I care about taking photos, lots of them, with incredible light, talent etc.... the kit I have is better than the kit I had 10 yrs ago and whoa is it better than the kit I had 20 yrs ago.

I'm not waiting for Phase or Hassy to develop the uber camera, it's like buying a house, the one one you really want doesn't exist...

We are in a DEEP LONG recession, I don't want Phase or Hassy to go under because they developed a new wonder body and no one bought it because they all bought D800's... No I want a sensible company who are still around and still offering me support.

I've owned and used H1's H2's with 22mp and 39mp backs, I've owned and used AFD's, AFD II's  AF's and now DF's... it's a mac/pc canon/nikon thing...  They are all great and in the right hands they are more than great..

And finally......

It wasn't five minutes ago that we were all complaining of 'constant upgrades'... 'more upgrades... why... do i need these pixels...'

The one time the manufacturers just simply refine what they have, and everyone is 'disappointed'.

In all my life I have never seen busy, successful photographers complain about their kit, 7 yrs in NYC and yes I've seen kit abused but I've never heard busy photographers have a go at the manufacturers saying 'build me a better camera...'

They just get on, get out there, shoot more and take a spare..!!!


You are doing a heck of a job coming on here and taking hit after hit for the team....  As an occasional customer of CI, they play with a straight bat and want to help you whenever possible... Keep your head up Doug amidst the sea of negativity...

I love my DF... Love my LS lenses but above all I love to get out there an use them and then sell the results...!!!!!

You won't hear me complain about lack of development...  Just remember people a few short years ago we never had MF AF... or lightroom even...! or non destructive ajustments, or auto white balance, or noiseless ISO 800 and beyond.

We had heavy old kit, big stinky darkrooms (ahhh the smells) waiting for film development, scanning (YUK.!) film and dev costs, murky green polaroids......

If you look back at these photokina 2012 posts... we sound like a lot of spoilt brats who just want more and cannot see the wood for the trees...

Sermon endeth here...



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Re: Phase One / Mamiya DF+ and Schneider 28mm LS
« Reply #41 on: September 19, 2012, 08:27:13 pm »

If your a professional that uses equipment to it's fullest forget about  announcekina just look at what's really offered today.

Nikon started shipping D800's months ago so I guess had nothing to really talk about, but since they covered three territories, seasoned pros, advanced amateurs, beginning pros, with one camera,  I don't think they really needed to say much.


I guess you totally missed the D600. 24MP uncompressed HD out and for $ 2,000. I can assure you that for young upcoming photographers and film makers that is a very significant announcement.

Doug Peterson

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Re: Phase One / Mamiya DF+ and Schneider 28mm LS
« Reply #42 on: September 20, 2012, 11:11:47 am »


You are doing a heck of a job coming on here and taking hit after hit for the team....  As an occasional customer of CI, they play with a straight bat and want to help you whenever possible... Keep your head up Doug amidst the sea of negativity...

I love my DF... Love my LS lenses but above all I love to get out there an use them and then sell the results...!!!!!

Thanks Steve! Though I have moved from CI to the New York Phase/Mamiya/Leaf/Profoto/Arca/Cambo dealer called Digital Transitions.

And I really don't mind. Most of the time the forum is very fair (both positive and negative). I think the largest source of frustration here is that many on the forum view Photokina as a "show it or blow it" event - i.e. if you don't show something it doesn't exist and you haven't been working on it. One of the downsides of that philosophy has been companies* announcing something which is, in reality just a prototype, and then missing promised shipping dates by months, or even years. I'd rather see all companies be in the mindset of showing things only when they are really close to shipping.

I think you'll really like the 240LS when it ships. Even the engineers (who are usually hard to excite - as opposed to marketing folks who are hard to calm down) have told me how excited they are for this lens.

*There are examples of this from every company, including Team Phase One.


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Re: Phase One / Mamiya DF+ and Schneider 28mm LS
« Reply #43 on: September 21, 2012, 04:57:47 am »

My post wasn't about make it or break it during Photokina. 

We all know that modern Photokina has become a vehicle for announcements that are really TBD at a later time.

It's more about the mediocre tone that a lot of the world seems to be stuck in and the fact that anything qualifies as news and just saying something gives every company  or person their 15 minutes in the sun.

Doesn't it make all of us wonder if the resource spent on Mamiya went to Rollei instead, what kind of camera system we would really have?

I'm sorry if it ruffles feathers but on the DF + but slightly better autofocus and a Leaf shutter lens to me doesn't really qualify for major breaking news that warrants e-mails flooding our mailboxes.

Not when the Hasselblad H has had this for a long time.

I'm glad (honestly) that that guy loves his DF camera, but somewhere down deep doesn't it just slightly make him po'ed that another DF is on the horizion that looks, acts and works just like the last, but is considered  "new".

Keep in mind it was dealers and reps that repeatedly "hinted' at a new Mamiya and I think it was a basic assumption this would be the time.

Regardless . . .

I wasn't wild about the days of buying $30,000 digital backs, but am less enamored when the major news  news during the world's biggest photo show is about exotic skin covered rebadged Sonys, slightly better focus Mamiyas and "finally" a reliable way to quickly check focus on a Leica.

If your working in the commercial arts, pushing forward and not trying to be Jimmy Buffett playing  Margartiville for the 90,000 time, you know that it's going to take a lot of effort to sell an idea that is more than what was done before.

The cameras and equipment we had yesterday and have today will do what was done before, but how about tomorrow.  How about something we haven't even dreamed of yet.

The only reason to make a photo, a drawing, a motion picture, a musical composition is to get people to stop look/and or listen.

Sure, the cameras and tech of the past allow for great creativity and no camera will "make you creative", but some cameras can stop you in your tracks, if they won't go to floor level, or jam, or won't focus. 

There is more innovation in the I-phone camera than most professional cameras and honestly your typical Apple employee knows more about their product than some dealers.

Today i looked at an S-2 and the Leica guy, who was ancient, when I asked about tethering said, "I know nothing of computers, don't want to".  On that I walked, though it seems like one hell of a camera.

I can't imagine how well the Leica S would sell if there was real stock, real information, tethering, live view and better repair/rental service.

Anyway when it comes to innovation, somewhere, somehow we're kinda stuck in 2006.

How about touch screen autofocusing, anti shake video and wi-fi not to only a dedicated ad-hoc system but wi-fi to anyplace in the world and how about that coming from professional systems, not just consumer phones.

How about autofocus that will track a face across a frame, (realiabily) in still and motion.  How about a combination file at 5k that has the sharpness of a still and also plays in motion?

How about something I and others just haven't thought that we needed yet?

How about something that is real news.



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Re: Phase One / Mamiya DF+ and Schneider 28mm LS
« Reply #44 on: September 22, 2012, 05:46:23 am »


Sorry for the oversight, living in NYC for 7 yrs I know the guys at DT quite well, do say hi to Michelle back now in Denmark or Sweden I think.

Am in London/Europe for the remainder of 2012 so will bug the guys here on the 240 LS.


I see your point but what are you waiting for at these events...?

Yes you love Rollei but they were never in all the rental houses, never 2nd to Hassie back in the day so anyone trying to get Rollie ' up there' would have a tough task when Mamiya was already there and kit both new and used was plentiful.

Look how tough it is for Sony to get their top DSLR up there, when it came out they really pushed it in the NYC rental houses and had big stands at PhotoExpo etc... You could rent a DSLR, 2 lenses and flash for $99 a day...!

It was aimed at assistants and seemed a good camera and a sound plan...... But where is it...?

As I said before, I used professionally both the H series and the DF and neither of them are bad, it's the old PC-MAC thing.

I found that for me I just used the cameras more, everyday and very quickly the camera and I were one.

Instead of dreaming of a better camera I go out and shoot what I see, if the auto focus is playing up, then manual it is, of the light is low, then 35mm DSLR it is......

I know what you mean about flimsy marketing, it is annoying and irritating but we are in a deep recession, survival of the fittest.... If a camera maker said to me ' no new cameras or gizmos for 5 yrs..... But we will still be here, supporting you in 5 yrs... '

I'd take that... It also means I don't have think about upgrading anything (we never needed too before) and I can set that money aside for marketing, personal work or a new kettle.

Maybe without a recession someone should buy Rollei and Contax and make the dream camera but to a man no one would take better pictures with.



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Re: Phase One / Mamiya DF+ and Schneider 28mm LS
« Reply #45 on: September 22, 2012, 06:02:28 am »


We're (I'm) not waiting for anything.

Shot today, Shot tonight, in post production all weekend, preproduction and shoot next week, then to NY for pre pro, then shoot, then . . . well you get the idea.

And my point is not disappointment in the Photo show, any photo show because I know what they've become . . . a PR fest and good ol' get together to slap backs, though don't kill the messenger for asking about a new Mamiya considering the dealers have been saying it's coming for a long time.

It's not about cameras, we all know older cameras do pretty much what new ones do.  It's about inspiration, moving forward, investment in R+D.

Today the Endeavor flew over my head, (of course it was mounted on a 747)  Everyone in our studio was stoked . . . I was somewhat sad to think now to go into space we gotta rent a Russian can. 

It makes me think with all the strides we've made, everyone has hit the brakes for the last few years and the reasoning as to why is less than inspiring, it's a total buzz kill about why almost everything can't be done.

Nobody goes anywhere thinking it can't be done.

I know I, we, everyone can do better, but it takes risks.  

Every morning I listen to some of the wall street Journal videos, I love the special sections where they interview successful ceos from around the world and they have one thing in common, they all talk about taking risks, making investment and moving forward.

But am I waiting, no.

That wasn't my point.


« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 01:09:14 pm by bcooter »
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